部屋での活動が消費者向けスプレーの残留ナノ粒子をかき混ぜる (Activity in a Room Stirs up Nanoparticles Left Over From Consumer Sprays )


2024-04-30 ラトガース大学

「Science of the Total Environment」で発表された研究では、ナノ粒子を含む製品が最近散布された場所を人が歩くと、残留した微粒子がカーペットや床から空気中に舞い上がり、子供の方が大人よりも影響を受けやすいことが示されました。


消費者向けスプレーの再懸濁ナノ粒子による成人および小児への曝露の可能性 Potential exposure of adults and children to particles from resuspended nano-enabled consumer sprays

Ruikang He, Jie McAtee, Gediminas Mainelis
Science of The Total Environment  Available online:2 March 2024


  • Resuspended particle concentration and resuspension rate depended on product type.
  • Nano-sized and micron-sized particles were released from the tested sprays and reached the human breathing zone.
  • Children could be exposed to higher particle mass concentrations than adults during spraying and resuspension of products.
  • Resuspension of particles deposited on carpet leads to higher exposure and higher resuspension rates than vinyl flooring.
  • Walking by an adult led to higher resuspended particle exposures and resuspension rates than resuspension by a rolling robot.


The increasing application of nanotechnology has resulted in a growing number of nano-enabled consumer products, and they could be important contributors to indoor particulate matter, with potential adverse health effects. This study investigated the exposure of adults and children to the released and resuspended manufactured particles from seven nano-enabled consumer sprays. Sedimentation and resuspension of released particles were investigated in a newly constructed 2.8 × 1.6 × 2.4 m3 chamber. The resuspension of deposited particles was investigated as a function of product type, flooring material (e.g., carpet and vinyl), resuspension force (e.g., walking by an adult and motion of a robotic sampler that simulated a child), and measurement height. The concentration of released and resuspended particles in the air was determined using Button Aerosol Samplers (SKC Inc.) with 25-mm 2 μm-pore PTFE filters. Samplers were positioned in the experimenter’s breathing zone (e.g., 1.5 m for adults and 0.3 m for a child-simulating robot) and at fixed stations of 0.3 m and 1.1 m heights. Resuspended particle mass concentrations ranged from 28 to 905 μg/m3, and the resuspension rates of deposited spray particles for the same variable combinations varied from 10-4 to 10-1 h-1, depending on product type, flooring material, sampling height, and resuspension force. Particle resuspension rates from carpet were up to 320 % higher than resuspension rates from vinyl flooring, resuspension rates measured at 0.3 m were up to 195 % higher than the rates measured with a 1.1 m stationary sampler, and resuspension rates due to a walking adult were up to 243 % higher than resuspension rates caused to a moving robot that simulated a child. Overall, these data on the resuspension of particles from nano-enabled consumer sprays could help us understand the resulting exposures and support future studies on human exposure reduction.

Graphical abstract

部屋での活動が消費者向けスプレーの残留ナノ粒子をかき混ぜる  (Activity in a Room Stirs up Nanoparticles Left Over From Consumer Sprays  )
