寄生虫がヘラジカの個体数減少に一役買っている可能性が高い(Parasitic worm likely playing role in decline of moose populations)


2024-05-15 ワシントン州立大学(WSU)

寄生虫がヘラジカの個体数減少に一役買っている可能性が高い(Parasitic worm likely playing role in decline of moose populations)Photo by Gjohnstonphoto on iStock.

アメリカの一部地域でヘラジカの個体数減少に寄生虫Eleaophora schneideriが関与していることが、ワシントン州立大学の研究で明らかになりました。2020年から2022年にかけてアイダホ州で死亡したヘラジカを調査した結果、南東部の成体の半数に寄生虫が見つかり、その脳には微小幼虫が広がっていました。この寄生虫はヘラジカの健康に悪影響を及ぼし、死亡リスクを高める可能性があります。研究はヘラジカの個体数減少の原因を総合的に理解するための重要な一歩であり、寄生虫の影響が過小評価されていたことを示しています


米国アイダホ州のヘラジカ(Alces alces shirasi)におけるElaeophora schneideriの地理的分布と神経病理学的研究 Geographic Distribution and Neuropathology of Elaeophora schneideri in Moose (Alces alces shirasi) in Idaho, USA

Christine J. E. Haake;Kyle R. Taylor;Logan K. Weyand;Eric T. Van Beek;Chrissy D. Eckstrand;Laura B. A. Williams;Stacey Dauwalter;Nicole L. Walrath;Hollie M. Miyasaki;Shane B. Roberts;Mark A. Hurley;Janet L. Rachlow
Journal of Wildlife Diseases  Published:March 28 2024


Elaeophorosis, infection by the filarial worm Elaeophora schneideri, is a parasitic disease of wild ungulates in North America; however, our understanding of the relevance of E. schneideri to moose (Alces alces) morbidity and mortality is incomplete. Between March 2020 and July 2022, necropsy and histopathology were performed on 61 Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi) in Idaho, US. Among the 41 adults (greater than 1 yr old), 21 moose were from northern Idaho, and 20 were from southeastern Idaho. Elaeophorosis was diagnosed in 24% (10 of 41). All 10 infected moose were from southeastern Idaho; none of the 21 moose from northern Idaho were infected. No juvenile moose (nine from northern and 11 from southeastern Idaho) were infected. Microfilariae were detected histologically in 9 of 10 infected moose, most consistently in brain tissue associated with lesions indicative of ischemic injury to the neuroparenchyma attributed to occlusion of arterioles and capillaries by microfilariae or fibrin thrombi, including edema, necrosis, and glial nodules. Microfilariae found in other tissues of the head, including the eye, tongue, and pinnae of some animals, as well as in lung, heart, liver, and kidney, typically were associated with inflammation. Three of the 10 infected moose had cropped ears attributed to elaeophorosis, and four exhibited abnormal behavior, which may have been due to neuropathology associated with E. schneideri microfilariae in the brain.
