ミトコンドリア病関連タンパク質の機能を解析で解明(Analysis reveals function of mitochondrial disease-related protein)


2024-06-05 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

ワシントン大学医学部の研究者たちは、ミトコンドリアタンパク質の機能を特定し、希少なミトコンドリア病の診断と治療に新たな道を開く可能性があることを発見しました。この研究はデイブ・パリアリーニ教授が率い、『Nature Metabolism』誌に掲載されました。


複合体Iの構築とミトコンドリア病におけるNDUFAF6の系統的解析 Systematic analysis of NDUFAF6 in complex I assembly and mitochondrial disease

Andrew Y. Sung,Rachel M. Guerra,Laura H. Steenberge,Charlotte L. Alston,Kei Murayama,Yasushi Okazaki,Masaru Shimura,Holger Prokisch,Daniele Ghezzi,Alessandra Torraco,Rosalba Carrozzo,Agnès Rötig,Robert W. Taylor,James L. Keck & David J. Pagliarini
Nature Metabolism  Published:08 May 2024

ミトコンドリア病関連タンパク質の機能を解析で解明(Analysis reveals function of mitochondrial disease-related protein)


Isolated complex I (CI) deficiencies are a major cause of primary mitochondrial disease. A substantial proportion of CI deficiencies are believed to arise from defects in CI assembly factors (CIAFs) that are not part of the CI holoenzyme. The biochemistry of these CIAFs is poorly defined, making their role in CI assembly unclear, and confounding interpretation of potential disease-causing genetic variants. To address these challenges, we devised a deep mutational scanning approach to systematically assess the function of thousands of NDUFAF6 genetic variants. Guided by these data, biochemical analyses and cross-linking mass spectrometry, we discovered that the CIAF NDUFAF6 facilitates incorporation of NDUFS8 into CI and reveal that NDUFS8 overexpression rectifies NDUFAF6 deficiency. Our data further provide experimental support of pathogenicity for seven novel NDUFAF6 variants associated with human pathology and introduce functional evidence for over 5,000 additional variants. Overall, our work defines the molecular function of NDUFAF6 and provides a clinical resource for aiding diagnosis of NDUFAF6-related diseases.
