精神状態が腸の健康に与える影響(How mental states impact gut health)


2024-09-19 マックス・プランク研究所



ストレスに敏感な神経回路が十二指腸腺を介して腸内細菌叢を変化させる Stress-sensitive neural circuits change the gut microbiome via duodenal glands

Hao Chang∙ Matthew H. Perkins∙ Leonardo S. Novaes∙ … ∙ Ruth E. Ley ∙ Wenfei Han∙ Ivan E. de Araujo
Cell  Published:August 8, 2024

Graphical abstract

精神状態が腸の健康に与える影響(How mental states impact gut health)


•Secretion of mucin from the glands of Brunner promotes gut Lactobacilli proliferation
•Central amygdala neurons stimulate Brunner’s glands via vagal nerves
•Stress inhibits the central amygdala, thereby suppressing Brunner’s glands activity
•Impaired gland activity compromises Lactobacilli populations and host immunity


Negative psychological states impact immunity by altering the gut microbiome. However, the relationship between brain states and microbiome composition remains unclear. We show that Brunner’s glands in the duodenum couple stress-sensitive brain circuits to bacterial homeostasis. Brunner’s glands mediated the enrichment of gut Lactobacillus species in response to vagus nerve stimulation. Cell-specific ablation of the glands markedly suppressed Lactobacilli counts and heightened vulnerability to infection. In the forebrain, we mapped a vagally mediated, polysynaptic circuit connecting the central nucleus of the amygdala to Brunner’s glands. Chronic stress suppressed central amygdala activity and phenocopied the effects of gland lesions. Conversely, excitation of either the central amygdala or parasympathetic vagal neurons activated Brunner’s glands and reversed the effects of stress on the gut microbiome and immunity. The findings revealed a tractable brain-body mechanism linking psychological states to host defense.
