接着性皮質デバイスが閉ループてんかん治療のためのアーチファクトのない神経調節を可能にする(Adhesive Cortical Device Enables Artifact-Free Neuromodulation for Closed-loop Epilepsy Treatment)


2024-09-19 韓国基礎科学研究院(IBS)

ソン・ドンヒー教授とシン・ミギョン教授の研究チームは、新しい柔軟なコルチカルデバイス「SMCAセンサー」を開発し、てんかんなどの神経疾患治療に革命をもたらしました。このセンサーは、脳表面に高い密着性を持ち、電気脳皮質記録(ECoG)と集束超音波刺激(tFUS)を組み合わせた高品質な神経調節を実現します。センサーは痙攣の早期検知とリアルタイム調整を可能にし、個別化された適応型治療を提供します。研究成果は2024年9月にNature Electronicsに掲載されました。


クローズドループ経頭蓋超音波神経刺激のための形状変形皮質接着センサー A shape-morphing cortex-adhesive sensor for closed-loop transcranial ultrasound neurostimulation

Sungjun Lee,Jeungeun Kum,Sumin Kim,Hyunjin Jung,Soojung An,Soon Jin Choi,Jae Hyuk Choi,Jinseok Kim,Ki Jun Yu,Wonhye Lee,Hyeok Kim,Hyung-Seop Han,Mikyung Shin,Hyungmin Kim & Donghee Son
Nature Electronics  Published:11 September 2024

接着性皮質デバイスが閉ループてんかん治療のためのアーチファクトのない神経調節を可能にする(Adhesive Cortical Device Enables Artifact-Free Neuromodulation for Closed-loop Epilepsy Treatment)


Transcranial focused ultrasound has shown promising non-invasive therapeutic effects for drug-resistant epilepsy due to its spatial resolution and depth penetrability. However, current manual strategies, which use fixed neurostimulation protocols, cannot provide precise patient-specific treatment due to the absence of ultrasound wave-insensitive closed-loop neurostimulation devices. Here, we report a shape-morphing cortex-adhesive sensor for closed-loop transcranial ultrasound neurostimulation. The sensor consists of a catechol-conjugated alginate hydrogel adhesive, a stretchable 16-channel electrode array and a viscoplastic self-healing polymeric substrate, and is coupled to a pulse-controlled transcranial focused ultrasound device. It can provide conformal and robust fixation to curvy cortical surfaces, and we show that it is capable of stable neural signal recording in awake seizure rodents during transcranial focused ultrasound neurostimulation. The sensing performance allows real-time detection of preseizure signals with unexpected and irregular high-frequency oscillations, and we demonstrate closed-loop seizure control supervised by intact cortical activity under ultrasound stimulation in awake rodents.
