NUSの科学者が老化した卵細胞を若返らせる新しいアプローチを発見(NUS scientists discover novel approach to rejuvenate aged egg cells)


2024-09-19 シンガポール国立大学(NUS)

NUSの研究チームは、老化した未成熟卵子(卵母細胞)の質を向上させる革新的な技術を開発しました。この方法では、老化した卵母細胞を若い卵胞環境に移植し、卵母細胞の機能を部分的に回復させることで、質の高い卵子を生成します。この技術は、体外受精(IVF)などの生殖補助技術において、特に高齢女性の治療結果を向上させる可能性があり、研究成果は2024年9月にNature Agingに発表されました。


若い卵胞微小環境への曝露による老化卵子の若返り Rejuvenation of aged oocyte through exposure to young follicular microenvironment

HaiYang Wang,Zhongwei Huang,Xingyu Shen,Yaelim Lee,XinJie Song,Chang Shu,Lik Hang Wu,Leroy Sivappiragasam Pakkiri,Poh Leong Lim,Xi Zhang,Chester Lee Drum,Jin Zhu & Rong Li
Nature Aging  Published:09 September 2024

NUSの科学者が老化した卵細胞を若返らせる新しいアプローチを発見(NUS scientists discover novel approach to rejuvenate aged egg cells)


Reproductive aging is a major cause of fertility decline, attributed to decreased oocyte quantity and developmental potential. A possible cause is aging of the surrounding follicular somatic cells that support oocyte growth and development by providing nutrients and regulatory factors. Here, by creating chimeric follicles, whereby an oocyte from one follicle was transplanted into and cultured within another follicle whose native oocyte was removed, we show that young oocytes cultured in aged follicles exhibited impeded meiotic maturation and developmental potential, whereas aged oocytes cultured within young follicles were significantly improved in rates of maturation, blastocyst formation and live birth after in vitro fertilization and embryo implantation. This rejuvenation of aged oocytes was associated with enhanced interaction with somatic cells, transcriptomic and metabolomic remodeling, improved mitochondrial function and higher fidelity of meiotic chromosome segregation. These findings provide the basis for a future follicular somatic cell-based therapy to treat female infertility.
