体内環境でのシリコンIC劣化メカニズムを解明する新しい研究 (Advancements in neural implant research enhance durability)


2024-12-18 オランダ・デルフト工科大学

デルフト工科大学(TU Delft)の研究者たちは、神経インプラントの耐久性を向上させるための新たな技術を開発しています。特に、柔軟性と生体適合性を備えたポリマー材料の使用や、神経組織との機械的適合性を高める設計が注目されています。これらの進展により、神経インプラントの長期的な性能と信頼性が向上し、患者の生活の質の改善が期待されています。


シリコンICの寿命と固有の気密性について:加速エージングおよび埋め込み試験後のベアダイおよびPDMSコーティングICの評価 On the longevity and inherent hermeticity of silicon-ICs: evaluation of bare-die and PDMS-coated ICs after accelerated aging and implantation studies

Kambiz Nanbakhsh,Ahmad Shah Idil,Callum Lamont,Csaba Dücső,Ömer Can Akgun,Domonkos Horváth,Kinga Tóth,Domokos Meszéna,István Ulbert,Federico Mazza,Timothy G. Constandinou,Wouter Serdijn,Anne Vanhoestenberghe,Nick Donaldson & Vasiliki Giagka
Nature Communications  Published:02 January 2025

体内環境でのシリコンIC劣化メカニズムを解明する新しい研究 (Advancements in neural implant research enhance durability)


Silicon integrated circuits (ICs) are central to the next-generation miniature active neural implants, whether packaged in soft polymers for flexible bioelectronics or implanted as bare die for neural probes. These emerging applications bring the IC closer to the corrosive body environment, raising reliability concerns, particularly for chronic use. Here, we evaluate the inherent hermeticity of bare die ICs, and examine the potential of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a moisture-permeable elastomer, as a standalone encapsulation material. For this aim, the electrical and material performance of ICs sourced from two foundries was evaluated through one-year accelerated in vitro and in vivo studies. ICs featured custom-designed test structures and were partially PDMS coated, creating two regions on each chip, uncoated “bare die” and “PDMS-coated”. During the accelerated in vitro study, ICs were electrically biased and periodically monitored. Results revealed stable electrical performance, indicating the unaffected operation of ICs even when directly exposed to physiological fluids. Despite this, material analysis revealed IC degradation in the bare regions. PDMS-coated regions, however, revealed limited degradation, making PDMS a suitable IC encapsulant for years-long implantation. Based on the new insights, guidelines are proposed that may enhance the longevity of implantable ICs, broadening their applications in the biomedical field.
