ジョージア工科大学の研究者が緑内障の新しい治療法を発見(Georgia Tech Researchers Discover a New Way to Treat Glaucoma)


2025-02-24 ジョージア工科大学

ジョージア工科大学の研究チームは、緑内障の新たな治療法として、変異したミオシリンタンパク質を分解する2種類の抗体を発見しました。ミオシリンの変異は、眼内の房水の排出を妨げ、眼圧上昇と視力低下を引き起こします。今回特定された抗体は、ミオシリンの凝集を防止または分解し、房水の正常な流れを回復させる可能性があります。この研究成果は、2025年2月24日に『Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nexus』誌に掲載され、アルツハイマー病など他のタンパク質凝集関連疾患の治療にも応用が期待されています。


緑内障を引き起こすER常在凝集体の抗体介在による除去 Antibody-mediated clearance of an ER-resident aggregate that causes glaucoma

Minh Thu Ma, Ahlam N Qerqez, Kamisha R Hill, Laura R Azouz, Hannah A Youngblood, Shannon E Hill, Yemo Ku, Donna M Peters, Jennifer A Maynard, Raquel L Lieberman
PNAS Nexus  Published:10 December 2024

ジョージア工科大学の研究者が緑内障の新しい治療法を発見(Georgia Tech Researchers Discover a New Way to Treat Glaucoma)


Recombinant antibodies are a promising class of therapeutics to treat protein misfolding associated with neurodegenerative diseases, and several antibodies that inhibit aggregation are approved or in clinical trials to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Here, we developed antibodies targeting the aggregation-prone β-propeller olfactomedin (OLF) domain of myocilin, variants of which comprise the strongest genetic link to glaucoma and cause early onset vision loss for several million individuals worldwide. Mutant myocilin aggregates intracellularly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Subsequent ER stress causes cytotoxicity that hastens dysregulation of intraocular pressure, the primary risk factor for most forms of glaucoma. Our antibody discovery campaign yielded two recombinant antibodies: anti-OLF1 recognizes a linear epitope, while anti-OLF2 is selective for natively folded OLF and inhibits aggregation in vitro. By binding OLF, these antibodies engage autophagy/lysosomal degradation to promote degradation of two pathogenic mutant myocilins. This work demonstrates the potential for therapeutic antibodies to disrupt ER-localized protein aggregates by altering the fate of folding intermediates. This approach could be translated as a precision medicine to treat myocilin-associated glaucoma with in situ antibody expression. More generally, the study supports the approach of enhancing lysosomal degradation to treat proteostasis decline in glaucoma and other diseases.
