

2025-03-25 京都府立大学

京都府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科の福島敦史教授らは、理化学研究所との共同研究により、モデル植物シロイヌナズナのストレス応答遺伝子を簡単に検索・可視化できるウェブアプリケーション「AtSRGA(Arabidopsis thaliana Stress Responsive Gene Atlas)」を開発しました。このアプリは、乾燥、低温、高温など11種類のストレス条件下での遺伝子発現データを基に、各遺伝子のストレス応答性を数値化し、ヒートマップで視覚的に表示します。生物情報科学の専門知識がなくても、ワンクリックで利用可能です。AtSRGAは、ストレス応答遺伝子の探索や評価を支援する情報基盤として、植物科学や持続可能な農業の発展に寄与することが期待されます。本研究成果は、2025年3月20日付で国際学術誌「Plant Physiology」に掲載されました。


図1. AtSRGAの概要


AtSRGA:シロイヌナズナのストレス応答性遺伝子を検索・可視化するピカピカのアプリケーション AtSRGA: A shiny application for retrieving and visualizing stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

Yusuke Fukuda, Kohei Kawaguchi, Atsushi Fukushima
Plant Physiology  Published::20 March 2025


Abiotic and biotic stresses pose serious threats to plant productivity. Elucidating the gene regulatory networks involved in plant stress responses is essential for developing future breeding programs and innovative agricultural products. Here, we introduce the AtSRGA (Arabidopsis thaliana Stress Responsive Gene Atlas), a user-friendly application facilitating the retrieval of stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The application was developed using 1,131 microarray and 1,050 RNA sequencing datasets obtained from public databases. These datasets correspond to 11 stress-related conditions, namely abscisic acid, cold, drought, heat, high light, hypoxia, osmotic stress, oxidative stress, salt, wounding, and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Using a modified meta-analysis technique known as the vote-counting method, we computed integrated scores to evaluate stress responsiveness for each condition across multiple studies. AtSRGA visualizes gene behavior under 11 stress conditions and offers an interactive, user-friendly interface accessible to all researchers. It presents a comprehensive heatmap of stress-responsive genes, facilitating the comparative analysis of individual stress responses and groups of genes responding to multiple stresses. We validated the expression patterns of several high-scoring genes of unknown function under cold and heat stress using RT-qPCR, thus demonstrating that our application helps select targets to understand stress-responsive gene networks in Arabidopsis. AtSRGA will improve the screening of stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis, thereby supporting the advancement of plant science toward a sustainable society.
