脳内の有害廃棄物を除去する新たな方法を示唆する研究結果(Study points to new approach to clearing toxic waste from brain)


アルツハイマー病などの治療法開発に役立つ可能性がある Could aid efforts to find treatments for Alzheimer’s, other diseases

2022-08-24 ワシントン大学セントルイス

脳内の有害廃棄物を除去する新たな方法を示唆する研究結果(Study points to new approach to clearing toxic waste from brain)
An extended form of the protein aquaporin 4 (red) lines the edges of tiny blood vessels in the brain. Cell nuclei are visible in blue. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found a new druggable pathway that enhances the amount of long aquaporin 4 near blood vessels and increases the clearance of waste from the brain. The findings potentially could lead to new therapies to prevent Alzheimer’s dementia. (Image: Darshan Sapkota/School of Medicine)



Aqp4のストップコドンリードスルーは脳からのアミロイドβのクリアランスを促進する Aqp4 stop codon readthrough facilitates amyloid-β clearance from the brain

Darshan Sapkota, Colin Florian, Brookelyn M Doherty, Kelli M White, Kate M Reardon, Xia Ge, Joel R Garbow, Carla M Yuede, John R Cirrito, Joseph D Dougherty
Brain  Published:24 August 2022


Alzheimer’s disease is initiated by the toxic aggregation of amyloid-β. Immunotherapeutics aimed at reducing amyloid beta are in clinical trials but with very limited success to date. Identification of orthogonal approaches for clearing amyloid beta may complement these approaches for treating Alzheimer’s disease. In the brain, the astrocytic water channel Aquaporin 4 is involved in clearance of amyloid beta, and the fraction of Aquaporin 4 found perivascularly is decreased in Alzheimer’s disease. Further, an unusual stop codon readthrough event generates a conserved C-terminally elongated variant of Aquaporin 4 (AQP4X), which is exclusively perivascular. However, it is unclear whether the AQP4X variant specifically mediates amyloid beta clearance.

Here, using Aquaporin 4 readthrough-specific knockout mice that still express normal Aquaporin 4, we determine that this isoform indeed mediates amyloid beta clearance. Further, with high-throughput screening and counterscreening, we identify small molecule compounds that enhance readthrough of the Aquaporin 4 sequence and validate a subset on endogenous astrocyte Aquaporin 4. Finally, we demonstrate these compounds enhance brain amyloid-β clearance in vivo, which depends on AQP4X.

This suggests derivatives of these compounds may provide a viable pharmaceutical approach to enhance clearance of amyloid beta and potentially other aggregating proteins in neurodegenerative disease.
