ALS患者の腕の機能を回復させるソフトロボット・ウェアラブルを開発(Soft robotic wearable restores arm function for people with ALS)


快適性、安全性、使いやすさを追求した実証機 Proof-of-concept device is comfortable, safe, easy to use

2023-02-03 ハーバード大学

Two torsos wearing a black soft robotics vest. The first figure is able to raise their right arm with the help of the wearable. The second figure shows the technology box equipped at their lower back.This soft robotic wearable is capable of significantly assisting upper arm and shoulder movement in people with ALS. (Photo credit: Walsh Lab, Harvard SEAS)



◆「この研究は、ALSやその他の運動能力を奪われる病気の患者さんの手足の機能を回復させる新しいデバイスの開発に役立つかもしれないという希望を与えてくれます」と、このチームの研究を報告したScience Translational Medicine論文のシニア著者であるConor Walsh氏は述べています。ウォルシュ教授は、ハーバード大学バイオデザイン研究所のポール・A・メイダー工学・応用科学教授を務めている。








筋萎縮性側索硬化症患者に対するソフトロボット・ウェアラブルによる腕の機能回復 Restoring arm function with a soft robotic wearable for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Tommaso Proietti ,Ciaran O’Neill ,Lucas Gerez ,Tazzy Cole,Sarah Mendelowitz,Kristin Nuckols,Cameron Hohimer ,David Lin ,Sabrina Paganoni ,Conor Walsh

Science Translational Medicine  Published:1 Feb 2023



Despite promising results in the rehabilitation field, it remains unclear whether upper limb robotic wearables, e.g., for people with physical impairments resulting from neurodegenerative disease, can be made portable and suitable for everyday use. We present a lightweight, fully portable, textile-based, soft inflatable wearable robot for shoulder elevation assistance that provides dynamic active support to the upper limbs. The technology is mechanically transparent when unpowered, can quantitatively assess free movement of the user, and adds only 150 grams of weight to each upper limb. In 10 individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with different degrees of neuromuscular impairment, we demonstrated immediate improvement in the active range of motion and compensation for continuing physical deterioration in two individuals with ALS over 6 months. Along with improvements in movement, we show that this robotic wearable can improve functional activity without any training, restoring performance of basic activities of daily living. In addition, a reduction in shoulder muscle activity and perceived muscular exertion, coupled with increased endurance for holding objects, highlight the potential of this device to mitigate the impact of muscular fatigue for patients with ALS. These results represent a further step toward everyday use of assistive, soft, robotic wearables for the upper limbs.

A soft robotic wearable lends the shoulder a hand

Developing upper limb soft robotic wearables for people with physical impairments is still in its infancy. Here, Proietti et al. highlight a soft, lightweight, portable robotic wearableto assist shoulder movements. They test their device in ten individuals with the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, who had different degrees of limb impairment. Participants with the robotic wearable powered on showed improvements in the shoulder’s range of motion while undertaking tasks simulating activities of daily living. This device reduced shoulder muscle activity and perceived muscular exertion and increased endurance. This device is a step forward in the development of soft robotic wearables for everyday use.—OMS

