新しいアルゴリズムが複雑なゲノム領域における極めて高い突然変異率を明らかにする(New Algorithm Reveals Extremely High Mutations Rates in Complex Genomic Regions)


2023-08-16 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

◆カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の研究チームが、高度に反復的なゲノム領域の比較に新しいUniAlignerアルゴリズムを開発し、ジャーナル「Nature Methods」に発表しました。このアルゴリズムは、セントロメアや免疫グロブリン座などの複雑なゲノム領域での変異を特定可能で、これにより人間の進化や疾患の研究に貢献することが期待されます。


UniAligner:高速配列アライメントのためのパラメータフリーフレームワーク UniAligner: a parameter-free framework for fast sequence alignment

Andrey V. Bzikadze & Pavel A. Pevzner
Nature Methods  Published14 August 2023

新しいアルゴリズムが複雑なゲノム領域における極めて高い突然変異率を明らかにする(New Algorithm Reveals Extremely High Mutations Rates in Complex Genomic Regions)


Even though the recent advances in ‘complete genomics’ revealed the previously inaccessible genomic regions, analysis of variations in centromeres and other extra-long tandem repeats (ETRs) faces an algorithmic challenge since there are currently no tools for accurate sequence comparison of ETRs. Counterintuitively, the classical alignment approaches, such as the Smith–Waterman algorithm, fail to construct biologically adequate alignments of ETRs. We present UniAligner—the parameter-free sequence alignment algorithm with sequence-dependent alignment scoring that automatically changes for any pair of compared sequences. UniAligner prioritizes matches of rare substrings that are more likely to be relevant to the evolutionary relationship between two sequences. We apply UniAligner to estimate the mutation rates in human centromeres, and quantify the extremely high rate of large duplications and deletions in centromeres. This high rate suggests that centromeres may represent some of the most rapidly evolving regions of the human genome with respect to their structural organization.
