医師は手術中に脊髄の活動を観察できるようになった(Doctors can now watch spinal cord activity during surgery)


2024-03-07 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

UC Riversideの技術により、初めて人間の脊髄の手術中に高解像度画像を撮影できるようになりました。fUSIと呼ばれるこの技術は、脊髄の観察だけでなく、さまざまな治療法に対する脊髄の反応をリアルタイムでマッピングすることも可能です。これにより、慢性腰痛患者の治療が向上し、個々の患者に最適化されたより効果的な痛みの治療が可能になるかもしれません。


ヒト脊髄の機能的超音波イメージング Functional ultrasound imaging of the human spinal cord

K.A. Agyeman,D.J. Lee,J. Russin,…,V.R. Edgerton,C. Liu,V.N. Christopoulos
Neuron  Published:March 07, 2024

医師は手術中に脊髄の活動を観察できるようになった(Doctors can now watch spinal cord activity during surgery)


•Functional ultrasound imaging detects stimulation-induced responses in the spinal cord

•fUSI decodes the effectiveness of an electrical stimulation in a single trial

•A crucial step to study spinal cord function and effects of clinical neuromodulation


Utilizing the first in-human functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI) of the spinal cord, we demonstrate the integration of spinal functional responses to electrical stimulation. We record and characterize the hemodynamic responses of the spinal cord to a neuromodulatory intervention commonly used for treating pain and increasingly used for the restoration of sensorimotor and autonomic function. We found that the hemodynamic response to stimulation reflects a spatiotemporal modulation of the spinal cord circuitry not previously recognized. Our analytical capability offers a mechanism to assess blood flow changes with a new level of spatial and temporal precision in vivo and demonstrates that fUSI can decode the functional state of spinal networks in a single trial, which is of fundamental importance for developing real-time closed-loop neuromodulation systems. This work is a critical step toward developing a vital technique to study spinal cord function and effects of clinical neuromodulation.

