脳刺激療法を理解する突破口となる新たな研究が明らかに(New study reveals breakthrough in understanding brain stimulation therapies)


2024-03-14 ミネソタ大学

ミネソタ大学ツインシティーズの研究者たちが初めて、非侵襲的な脳刺激が特定の脳メカニズムを変化させ、人間の行動に直接関連することを示しました。この成果は、統合失調症、うつ病、アルツハイマー病、パーキンソン病などの脳障害の新たな治療法の発見に向けた重要な一歩です。研究結果は、Nature Communications誌に掲載されました。彼らは、「経頭蓋交流電流刺激」と呼ばれる技術を使用し、脳活動を調整しました。この技術は、脳に微小な電流を加えることで、脳細胞の活動タイミングを変更し、神経可塑性を引き起こします。この発見は、将来的には精神疾患や神経障害の治療に応用される可能性があります。


電場脳刺激による神経位相歳差の誘発 Induced neural phase precession through exogenous electric fields

Miles Wischnewski,Harry Tran,Zhihe Zhao,Sina Shirinpour,Zachary J. Haigh,Jonna Rotteveel,Nipun D. Perera,Ivan Alekseichuk,Jan Zimmermann & Alexander Opitz
Nature communications  Published:24 February 2024

脳刺激療法を理解する突破口となる新たな研究が明らかに(New study reveals breakthrough in understanding brain stimulation therapies)


The gradual shifting of preferred neural spiking relative to local field potentials (LFPs), known as phase precession, plays a prominent role in neural coding. Correlations between the phase precession and behavior have been observed throughout various brain regions. As such, phase precession is suggested to be a global neural mechanism that promotes local neuroplasticity. However, causal evidence and neuroplastic mechanisms of phase precession are lacking so far. Here we show a causal link between LFP dynamics and phase precession. In three experiments, we modulated LFPs in humans, a non-human primate, and computational models using alternating current stimulation. We show that continuous stimulation of motor cortex oscillations in humans lead to a gradual phase shift of maximal corticospinal excitability by ~90°. Further, exogenous alternating current stimulation induced phase precession in a subset of entrained neurons (~30%) in the non-human primate. Multiscale modeling of realistic neural circuits suggests that alternating current stimulation-induced phase precession is driven by NMDA-mediated synaptic plasticity. Altogether, the three experiments provide mechanistic and causal evidence for phase precession as a global neocortical process. Alternating current-induced phase precession and consequently synaptic plasticity is crucial for the development of novel therapeutic neuromodulation methods.
