慢性疼痛治療のための新薬開発(NIH-funded research team engineers new drug targeting pain sensation pathway)


2025-03-05 アメリカ国立衛生研究所(NIH)

米国国立衛生研究所(NIH)によると、NIHが資金提供した研究チームが、新たな鎮痛薬「VIP36」を開発しました。 この薬は、カンナビノイド受容体タイプ1(CB1)を標的とし、3つの異なる動物モデルにおいて急性および慢性の痛みに対して効果を示しました。従来のCB1を標的とした薬剤は有害な副作用が問題となっていましたが、VIP36はこれらの副作用を引き起こさない可能性が示唆されています。この研究は、カンナビノイド受容体を標的としたより安全で効果的な非依存性の鎮痛薬の開発に向けた重要な一歩とされています。


CB1の隠れたポケットが末梢および機能選択性を促進する A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity

Vipin Ashok Rangari, Evan S. O’Brien, Alexander S. Powers, Richard A. Slivicki, Zachariah Bertels, Kevin Appourchaux, Deniz Aydin, Nokomis Ramos-Gonzalez, Juliet Mwirigi, Li Lin, Elizaveta Mangutov, Briana L. Sobecks, Yaseen Awad-Agbaria, Manoj B. Uphade, Jhoan Aguilar, Teja Nikhil Peddada, Yuki Shiimura, Xi-Ping Huang, Jakayla Folarin-Hines, Maria Payne, Anirudh Kalathil, Balazs R. Varga, Brian K. Kobilka, Amynah A. Pradhan, …Susruta Majumdar Show authors
Nature (2025)Cite this article

extended data figure 1


The current opioid overdose epidemic highlights the urgent need to develop safer and more effective treatments for chronic pain. Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) is a promising non-opioid target for pain relief, but its clinical use has been limited by centrally mediated psychoactivity and tolerance. We overcame both issues by designing peripherally restricted CB1 agonists that minimize arrestin recruitment. We achieved these goals by computationally designing positively charged derivatives of the potent CB1 agonist MDMB-Fubinaca. We designed these ligands to occupy a cryptic pocket identified through molecular dynamics simulations—an extended binding pocket that opens rarely and leads to the conserved signalling residue D2.50 (ref. ). We used structure determination, pharmacological assays and molecular dynamics simulations to verify the binding modes of these ligands and to determine the molecular mechanism by which they achieve this dampening of arrestin recruitment. Our lead ligand, VIP36, is highly peripherally restricted and demonstrates notable efficacy in three mouse pain models, with 100-fold dose separation between analgesic efficacy and centrally mediated side effects. VIP36 exerts analgesic efficacy through peripheral CB1 receptors and shows limited analgesic tolerance. These results show how targeting a cryptic pocket in a G-protein-coupled receptor can lead to enhanced peripheral selectivity, biased signalling, desired in vivo pharmacology and reduced adverse effects. This has substantial implications for chronic pain treatment but could also revolutionize the design of drugs targeting other G-protein-coupled receptors.
