

2025-03-12 兵庫県立大学

兵庫県立大学大学院理学研究科の長尾聡特任助教(現・高輝度光科学研究センター)および久保稔教授らの研究グループは、理化学研究所や名古屋大学との共同研究により、X線自由電子レーザー(XFEL)施設SACLAを活用して、酵素内での基質の動きを解明しました。 この研究では、シトクロムP450BM3が本来の基質でないスチレンを酸化する際、スチレンが酵素内部で回転し、特定の方向から酸化されやすい位置に移動する瞬間を捉えました。この成果は、バイオ触媒の設計において重要な知見を提供し、さまざまな有用化合物の生産に寄与することが期待されます。


シトクロムP450BM3による非ネイティブ基質酸化反応における触媒サイクルのダイナミクスをXFEL結晶構造解析で解明 XFEL crystallography reveals catalytic cycle dynamics during non-native substrate oxidation by cytochrome P450BM3

Satoshi Nagao,Wako Kuwano,Takehiko Tosha,Keitaro Yamashita,Joshua Kyle Stanfield,Chie Kasai,Shinya Ariyasu,Kunio Hirata,Go Ueno,Hironori Murakami,Hideo Ago,Masaki Yamamoto,Osami Shoji,Hiroshi Sugimoto & Minoru Kubo
Communications Chemistry


Cytochrome P450s are haem-containing enzymes, catalysing the regio- and stereospecific oxidation of non-activated hydrocarbons. Among these, the bacterial P450BM3 is a promising biocatalyst due to its high enzymatic activity. Given the significant conformational flexibility of this enzyme, understanding protein-substrate interactions and associated structural dynamics are crucial for designing P450BM3-based biocatalysts. Herein, employing an X-ray free electron laser in combination with freeze-trap crystallography and spectroscopy techniques, we captured the intact structures of engineered P450BM3s in the initial stages of catalysis during styrene epoxidation, in the presence of a decoy molecule. We found that the iron reduction significantly altered the active-site orientation of styrene, driven by structural changes in surrounding helices and hydrogen-bonding networks. Oxygen binding to iron further stabilised its productive orientation, providing a molecular basis for the experimentally observed enzyme kinetics and enantioselectivities. This study reveals the substrate dynamics of a P450 enzyme, showcasing how changes in haem chemistry affect enzyme structure and substrate orientation.
