母親のうつ病は子供の感情的な過食につながる可能性がある、研究で示される(Maternal depression can lead to children’s emotional overeating, study shows)


2025-03-17 イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校

イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校の研究者たちは、母親の産後うつが子供の感情的過食に及ぼす長期的影響を調査しました。 研究では、産後6週間の母親のうつ状態が、24ヶ月後の子供の実行機能(抑制や感情制御)に悪影響を及ぼし、さらに48ヶ月後の感情的過食につながることが示されました。感情的過食とは、空腹を満たすためではなく、ストレスや感情に対処するために食べ物を摂取する行動を指します。この研究結果は、産後うつの早期発見と介入が、子供の健康的な食行動の発達に重要であることを示唆しています。


母親の産後うつ病と子供の感情的過食: 実行機能の媒介的役割 Maternal postpartum depression and children’s emotional overeating: The mediating role of executive function

Samantha J. Iwinski, Sehyun Ju, Qiujie Gong, Kelly K. Bost
Eating Behaviors  Available online: 24 January 2025

母親のうつ病は子供の感情的な過食につながる可能性がある、研究で示される(Maternal depression can lead to children’s emotional overeating, study shows)


  • Postpartum depression correlates with children’s emotional overeating.
  • Children’s inhibition and emotion control can be linked to postpartum depression.
  • Children’s executive function levels may cause emotional overeating tendencies.


The literature shows connections between maternal depression, children’s executive function (EF), and emotional overeating (EOE). This study examined the interplay between maternal postpartum depression, EF, and EOE. We hypothesized that higher levels of postpartum depression would lead to lower inhibition and emotional control and higher levels of EOE. We also explored whether inhibition and emotional control mediate the relationship between postpartum depression and EOE.

The analysis included 297 families (49 % of children were female at birth; 82 % of caregivers were White) from a longitudinal birth cohort study in the US Midwest (N = 468). Maternal self-reports assessed postpartum depression at six weeks using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Children’s EF at 24 months was measured with the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool Version, and EOE at 48 months was assessed using the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire.

While accounting for child gender, parent race, and education, there was a positive indirect effect of postpartum depression on EOE through children’s inhibitory and emotional control difficulties. There was also a significant direct effect between postpartum depression and EOE. These results suggest that higher levels of postpartum depression in mothers may be associated with children’s lower EF abilities (e.g., inhibition and emotional control), which may, in turn, lead to higher levels of EOE.

Early maternal depressive symptoms may have important implications for children’s EF and EOE behaviors. The current findings stress the need to address symptoms of postpartum depression in mothers, even though symptoms may not reach clinical levels.
