コケの性差が炭素貯蔵に重要な役割を果たすことを発見(Scientists find sex differences in mosses play key role in carbon storage)


2023-02-06 オークリッジ国立研究所(ORNL)

◆気温の上昇により湿潤な泥炭地が乾燥し、炭素を吸収・保持する能力が損なわれる恐れがあります。実際、DOE Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments(SPRUCE)と呼ばれるミネソタ州北部の全体生態系操作実験での研究から、温暖化によって泥炭地が炭素蓄積源から炭素放出源に変わることが明らかになった。


スナゴケゲノムで新たに確認された性染色体が炭素隔離と生態系動態を変える Newly identified sex chromosomes in the Sphagnum (peat moss) genome alter carbon sequestration and ecosystem dynamics

Adam L. Healey,Bryan Piatkowski,John T. Lovell,Avinash Sreedasyam,Sarah B. Carey,Sujan Mamidi,Shengqiang Shu,Chris Plott,Jerry Jenkins,Travis Lawrence,Blanka Aguero,Alyssa A. Carrell,Marta Nieto-Lugilde,Jayson Talag,Aaron Duffy,Sara Jawdy,Kelsey R. Carter,Lori-Beth Boston,Teresa Jones,Juan Jaramillo-Chico,Alex Harkess,Kerrie Barry,Keykhosrow Keymanesh,Diane Bauer,Jane Grimwood,Lee Gunter,Jeremy Schmutz,David J. Weston & A. Jonathan Shaw
Nature Plants  Published:06 February 2023

figure 1


Peatlands are crucial sinks for atmospheric carbon but are critically threatened due to warming climates. Sphagnum (peat moss) species are keystone members of peatland communities where they actively engineer hyperacidic conditions, which improves their competitive advantage and accelerates ecosystem-level carbon sequestration. To dissect the molecular and physiological sources of this unique biology, we generated chromosome-scale genomes of two Sphagnum species: S. divinum and S. angustifolium. Sphagnum genomes show no gene colinearity with any other reference genome to date, demonstrating that Sphagnum represents an unsampled lineage of land plant evolution. The genomes also revealed an average recombination rate an order of magnitude higher than vascular land plants and short putative U/V sex chromosomes. These newly described sex chromosomes interact with autosomal loci that significantly impact growth across diverse pH conditions. This discovery demonstrates that the ability of Sphagnum to sequester carbon in acidic peat bogs is mediated by interactions between sex, autosomes and environment.

