菌類がサンゴに与える有益な効果は、まだ十分に解明されていない(Fungi’s beneficial effects on coral are not yet fully understood)


2023-04-13 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

マリンバイオロジストのClaudia Pogoreutzは、海洋真菌に焦点を当て、その機能的特徴がまだ十分に理解されていないことを指摘している。彼女は、海洋真菌が死んだ細菌や他の細胞を分解してサンゴや藻類の栄養源に変える可能性があると主張している。また、真菌が抗微生物化合物を生成して病原菌を防ぐ可能性もあると考えられている。


サンゴ礁関連真菌の多様性と機能を理解するためのロードマップ A roadmap to understanding diversity and function of coral reef-associated fungi

Anna Roik, Miriam Reverter, Claudia Pogoreutz
FEMS Microbiology Reviews  Published:23 June 2022

Potential microhabitats of fungi on coral reefs. Marine fungi likely inhabit diverse microhabitats on coral reefs, such as substrates (rock, rubble, and interstitial spaces in sediments) and biofilms that have formed on reef substrates (Sampaio et al. 2007), but also the water column, where fungi may be predominantly associated with particles or planktonic organisms (Wurzbacher et al. 2010). Mucosal spaces of reef invertebrates, in particular Cnidaria, but also vertebrates such as fish could potentially attract fungi (Reisert and Fuller 1962, Fischer et al. 2006, Nelson et al. 2013). Furthermore, any animal epithelial or macrophyte surface (e.g. seagrasses and macroalgae) may harbor fungal communities (Kagami et al. 2007a, Ettinger and Eisen 2019). Aside from surface colonization, endolithic fungi have been reported from calcium carbonate skeletons of corals and the reef framework (Risk and Muller 1983, Priess et al. 2000). Finally, fungi may be associated with the tissues or cells of macro-organisms (Nadal et al. 2008, Trofa et al. 2008). The center represents different stages and/or forms of fungal cells. The outer circles represent potential microhabitats of fungi on the coral reef.


Tropical coral reefs are hotspots of marine productivity, owing to the association of reef-building corals with endosymbiotic algae and metabolically diverse bacterial communities. However, the functional importance of fungi, well-known for their contribution to shaping terrestrial ecosystems and global nutrient cycles, remains underexplored on coral reefs. We here conceptualize how fungal functional traits may have facilitated the spread, diversification, and ecological adaptation of marine fungi on coral reefs. We propose that functions of reef-associated fungi may be diverse and go beyond their hitherto described roles of pathogens and bioeroders, including but not limited to reef-scale biogeochemical cycles and the structuring of coral-associated and environmental microbiomes via chemical mediation. Recent technological and conceptual advances will allow the elucidation of the physiological, ecological, and chemical contributions of understudied marine fungi to coral holobiont and reef ecosystem functioning and health and may help provide an outlook for reef management actions.

