未来志向で: 膀胱がんを無痛で検査する方法(On the Horizon: Painless Way to Check for Bladder Cancer)


最先端ツールを使って、UHのチームが新しいバイオマーカーを発見 Using Cutting Edge Tools, UH Team Discovers New Biomarkers

2023-04-27 ヒューストン大学(UH)



膀胱癌の診断と病期分類のための尿中バイオマーカーの包括的プロテオミクスとプラットフォームバリデーション Comprehensive proteomics and platform validation of urinary biomarkers for bladder cancer diagnosis and staging

Kamala Vanarsa,Jessica Castillo,Long Wang,Kyung Hyun Lee,Claudia Pedroza,Yair Lotan & Chandra Mohan
BMC Medicine  Published:05 April 2023

未来志向で: 膀胱がんを無痛で検査する方法(On the Horizon: Painless Way to Check for Bladder Cancer)


Bladder cancer (BC) is among the most common cancers diagnosed in men in the USA. The current gold standards for the diagnosis of BC are invasive or lack the sensitivity to correctly identify the disease.

An aptamer-based screen analyzed the expression of 1317 proteins in BC compared to urology clinic controls. The top hits were subjected to systems biology analyses. Next, 30 urine proteins were ELISA-validated in an independent cohort of 68 subjects. Three of these proteins were next validated in an independent BC cohort of differing ethnicity.

Systems biology analysis implicated molecular functions related to the extracellular matrix, collagen, integrin, heparin, and transmembrane tyrosine kinase signaling in BC susceptibility, with HNF4A and NFKB1 emerging as key molecular regulators. STEM analysis of the dysregulated pathways implicated a functional role for the immune system, complement, and interleukins in BC disease progression. Of 21 urine proteins that discriminated BC from urology clinic controls (UC), urine D-dimer displayed the highest accuracy (0.96) and sensitivity of 97%. Furthermore, 8 urine proteins significantly discriminated MIBC from NMIBC (AUC = 0.75–0.99), with IL-8 and IgA being the best performers. Urine IgA and fibronectin exhibited the highest specificity of 80% at fixed sensitivity for identifying advanced BC.

Given the high sensitivity (97%) of urine D-dimer for BC, it may have a role in the initial diagnosis or detection of cancer recurrence. On the other hand, urine IL-8 and IgA may have the potential in identifying disease progression during patient follow-up. The use of these biomarkers for initial triage could have a significant impact as the current cystoscopy-based diagnostic and surveillance approach is costly and invasive when compared to a simple urine test.
