巨大トカゲの化石が示す恐竜時代からの海の根本的変化(Fossils of giant sea lizard show how our oceans have fundamentally changed since the dinosaur era)


2024-03-05 バース大学

巨大トカゲの化石が示す恐竜時代からの海の根本的変化(Fossils of giant sea lizard show how our oceans have fundamentally changed since the dinosaur era)Khinjaria acuta was around the length of an orca, (7-8 metres). (Credit: Andrey Atuchin)

新種の海洋トカゲが発見され、絶滅の危機に瀕していた恐竜時代末期に生息していたことが明らかになった。発表された研究によれば、これまでの海洋生態系とは大きく異なる構造があり、多くの巨大な頂点捕食者が大型の獲物を捕食していた。Khinjaria acutaはモササウルス科の一員で、コモドドラゴンやアナコンダの親戚である現代の巨大海洋トカゲのような生物だった。この研究は、カサブランカの南東部のリン鉱山から採取された頭蓋骨と骨格の一部に基づいており、英国バース大学、マラケシュ自然史博物館、フランスパリの国立自然史博物館、米テキサス州南部メソジスト大学、バスク大学(ビルバオ)の研究者が参加している。


モロッコのマーストリヒティアンで発見された奇妙な新モサウルス類 A bizarre new plioplatecarpine mosasaurid from the Maastrichtian of Morocco

Nicholas R. Longrich, Michael J. Polcyn, Nour-Eddine Jalil, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Nathalie Bardet
Cretaceous Research  Available online: 1 March 2024


The Upper Maastrichtian of Morocco has produced a remarkably diverse fauna of mosasaurids, the most diverse known for any time or place. As apex predators, Mosasauridae provide a picture of the marine ecosystem just before the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Here we describe a bizarre new plioplatecarpine mosasaurid, Khinjaria acuta, characterized by enlarged, dagger-like anterior teeth, short, robust jaws, and posterior elongation of the skull. Khinjaria is related to Goronyosaurus nigeriensis from Nigeria and Niger, and Gavialimimus almaghribensis from Morocco. These species form a distinct clade of specialized mosasaurids so far unknown outside of Africa. Mosasaurids show high endemism in the Maastrichtian, with different lineages occurring in different regions, implying that mosasaurid diversity is underestimated because of limited geographic sampling. The large size, robust jaws, akinetic skull, and bladelike teeth of Khinjaria suggest it was an apex predator, but the unusual skull and jaw differ from those of contemporary predators like Hainosaurus, Thalassotitan, and Mosasaurus, suggesting a distinct feeding strategy. Mosasaurids became increasingly specialized in the latest Cretaceous, repeatedly evolving to occupy the apex predator niche, suggesting a diverse marine ecosystem persisted up to the K-Pg boundary. Late Cretaceous marine ecosystems differ from modern marine ecosystems in the high diversity of large predators.
