アスピリンが特定のがんの転移を防ぐ可能性 (How aspirin could prevent some cancers from spreading)


2025-03-05 英国研究イノベーション機構 (UKRI)

ケンブリッジ大学の研究者たちは、アスピリンが特定のがんの転移を抑制するメカニズムを解明しました。 アスピリンは、血小板が産生するトロンボキサンA2(TXA2)という物質の生成を抑制します。TXA2はT細胞の活性を抑えることで、がん細胞の転移を促進する可能性があります。アスピリンがTXA2の生成を抑えることで、T細胞の機能が強化され、がん細胞の転移を防ぐ効果が期待されます。ただし、アスピリンの使用には出血や胃潰瘍などの副作用があるため、自己判断での服用は避け、医師と相談することが重要です。


アスピリンは血小板TXA2によるT細胞免疫の抑制によって転移を防ぐ Aspirin prevents metastasis by limiting platelet TXA2 suppression of T cell immunity

Jie Yang,Yumi Yamashita-Kanemaru,Benjamin I. Morris,Annalisa Contursi,Daniel Trajkovski,Jingru Xu,Ilinca Patrascan,Jayme Benson,Alexander C. Evans,Alberto G. Conti,Aws Al-Deka,Layla Dahmani,Adnan Avdic-Belltheus,Baojie Zhang,Hanneke Okkenhaug,Sarah K. Whiteside,Charlotte J. Imianowski,Alexander J. Wesolowski,Louise V. Webb,Simone Puccio,Stefania Tacconelli,Annalisa Bruno,Sara Di Berardino,Alessandra De Michele,… Rahul Roychoudhuri
Nature  Published:05 March 2025

アスピリンが特定のがんの転移を防ぐ可能性 (How aspirin could prevent some cancers from spreading)


Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells from primary tumours to distant organs and is the cause of 90% of cancer deaths globally1,2. Metastasizing cancer cells are uniquely vulnerable to immune attack, as they are initially deprived of the immunosuppressive microenvironment found within established tumours3. There is interest in therapeutically exploiting this immune vulnerability to prevent recurrence in patients with early cancer at risk of metastasis. Here we show that inhibitors of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1), including aspirin, enhance immunity to cancer metastasis by releasing T cells from suppression by platelet-derived thromboxane A2 (TXA2). TXA2 acts on T cells to trigger an immunosuppressive pathway that is dependent on the guanine exchange factor ARHGEF1, suppressing T cell receptor-driven kinase signalling, proliferation and effector functions. T cell-specific conditional deletion of Arhgef1 in mice increases T cell activation at the metastatic site, provoking immune-mediated rejection of lung and liver metastases. Consequently, restricting the availability of TXA2 using aspirin, selective COX-1 inhibitors or platelet-specific deletion of COX-1 reduces the rate of metastasis in a manner that is dependent on T cell-intrinsic expression of ARHGEF1 and signalling by TXA2 in vivo. These findings reveal a novel immunosuppressive pathway that limits T cell immunity to cancer metastasis, providing mechanistic insights into the anti-metastatic activity of aspirin and paving the way for more effective anti-metastatic immunotherapies.
