

2025-03-21 東京科学大学

東京科学大学(Science Tokyo)の研究チームは、マイクロRNA(miRNA)-27aがヒト歯髄幹細胞の硬組織形成細胞(骨や歯を形成する細胞)への分化を促進するメカニズムを解明しました。miRNA-27aは、WntおよびBMPシグナル経路を抑制する因子の作用を弱めることで、分化を促進します。さらに、miRNA-27aを導入したヒト歯髄幹細胞をマウスの頭蓋骨欠損部に移植したところ、骨形成が促進されることが確認されました。これらの成果は、歯や頭蓋顔面組織の再生医療への応用が期待されます。


マイクロRNA-27aを導入した歯髄幹細胞は、in vitroでWnt/BMPシグナル伝達のDKK3およびSOSTDC1を標的として歯原性/骨原性分化を受け、in vivoで骨形成を促進する MicroRNA-27a transfected dental pulp stem cells undergo odonto/osteogenic differentiation via targeting DKK3 and SOSTDC1 in Wnt/BMP signaling in vitro and enhance bone formation in vivo

Ziniu Yu,Nobuyuki Kawashima,Keisuke Sunada-Nara,Shihan Wang,Peifeng Han,Thoai Quoc Kieu,Chunmei Ren,Sonoko Noda,Kento Tazawa & Takashi Okiji
Journal of Translational Medicine  Published:16 February 2025



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in cell differentiation through epigenetic regulation of gene expression. In human dental pulp cells, we have identified miRNA-27a being upregulated under inflammatory conditions. Here, we aimed to examine whether (i) overexpression of miRNA-27a in human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) enhances their odonto/osteoblastic differentiation via Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein signaling; and (ii) hDPSCs overexpressing miRNA-27a promote new bone formation in vivo.

hDPSCs were cultured in osteogenic medium to promote differentiation. To examine the role of miRNA-27a, hDPSCs were transfected with either a miRNA-27a mimic to enhance or an inhibitor to suppress miRNA-27a expression. Odonto/osteoblastic differentiation was assessed by evaluating the expression of specific markers, Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling molecules, and mineralization capacity using RT-qPCR, western blotting, Alizarin Red S (ARS) staining, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Potential miRNA-27a binding sites in the 3’UTRs of DKK3 and SOSTDC1 were identified via bioinformatics analysis and validated through the luciferase reporter assay. In vivo, miRNA-27a-overexpressing hDPSCs were seeded into collagen honeycomb scaffolds and implanted into mouse calvarial bone cavities to assess new bone formation.

MiRNA-27a was highly upregulated in hDPSCs committed to odonto/osteoblastic differentiation. Overexpression of miRNA-27a led to increased expression of odonto/osteoblastic markers and enhanced mineralization capacity, while inhibition of miRNA-27a had the opposite effect. MiRNA-27a targeted DKK3, promoting β-catenin nuclear translocation and inhibiting SOSTDC1, which enhanced SMAD1/5 phosphorylation. Binding sites for miRNA-27a were identified in the 3’UTRs of DKK3 and SOSTDC1. In vivo, miRNA-27a-overexpressing hDPSCs promoted new bone formation in mouse calvaria bone cavities.

Transfection of miRNA-27a in hDPSCs enhanced their odonto/osteoblastic differentiation by targeting DKK3 and SOSTDC1, thereby promoting the Wnt and BMP signaling. Transplantation of miRNA-27a-overexpressing hDPSCs promoted new bone formation in vivo. These findings deepen our understanding of the effects of miRNA on Wnt and BMP pathways and suggest a potential clinical application for miRNA-27a in promoting hard tissue regeneration, offering a promising therapeutic target for dental and craniofacial tissue reconstruction.
