水生生物は、洪水や干ばつによる攪乱にさまざまな形で反応する(Aquatic organisms respond to flooding and drought disturbance in different ways)


無脊椎動物へのダメージは深刻度より発生時期が大きいという研究結果 Study finds that the timing of disruptions is more damaging to invertebrates than severity

2023-01-30 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

◆Limnology and Oceanography Lettersに最近掲載された研究結果では、研究者は、彼らが利用した次元安定性の枠組みに基づいて、シカモアクリークの水生無脊椎動物の運命について報告しています。


分類学的同一性、生物多様性、および先行する攪乱が河川無脊椎動物の寸法安定性を形成していること Taxonomic identity, biodiversity, and antecedent disturbances shape the dimensional stability of stream invertebrates

Daniel C. Allen, Brian A. Gill, Anya Metcalfe, Sophia Bonjour, Scott Starr, Junna Wang, Diana Valentin, Nancy B. Grimm
Limnology and Oceanography Letters  Published: 12 January 2023


The “dimensional stability” approach measures different components of ecological stability to investigate how they are related. Yet, most empirical work has used small-scale and short-term experimental manipulations. Here, we apply this framework to a long-term observational dataset of stream macroinvertebrates sampled between the winter flooding and summer monsoon seasons. We test hypotheses that relate variation among stability metrics across different taxa, the magnitude of antecedent (monsoon) and immediate (winter) floods to stability metrics, and the relative importance of disturbance magnitude and taxonomic richness on community dimensional stability. Cluster analysis revealed four distinct stability types, and we found that the magnitude of floods during the prior monsoon was more important in influencing stability than the winter flood itself. For dimensional stability at the community level, taxonomic richness was more important than disturbance magnitude. This work demonstrates that abiotic and biotic factors determine dimensional stability in a natural ecosystem
