パーキンソン病における認知機能低下の早期予測因子(An early predictor of cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease)


2023-06-30 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



パーキンソン病におけるシータ振動と軽度の幻覚は、前頭葉機能の低下とその後の認知機能低下を明らかにする Theta oscillations and minor hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease reveal decrease in frontal lobe functions and later cognitive decline

Fosco Bernasconi,Javier Pagonabarraga,Helena Bejr-Kasem,Saul Martinez-Horta,Juan Marín-Lahoz,Andrea Horta-Barba,Jaime Kulisevsky & Olaf Blanke
Nature Mental Health  Published:29 June 2023

パーキンソン病における認知機能低下の早期予測因子(An early predictor of cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease)


Cognitive decline and hallucinations are common and debilitating non-motor symptoms, usually occurring during later phases of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Minor hallucinations (MH) appear early in the disease course and have been suggested to predict cognitive impairment and decline in PD, however, this has not been well-established by clinical research. Here, we investigated whether, in the absence of dementia, patients with PD and MH (without differences in frontal–subcortical and posterior cognitive functions) show altered brain oscillations and whether such MH-related electrophysiological changes are associated with cognitive impairments that increase over time. Combining model-driven electroencephalography analysis with neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological examinations in 75 patients with PD, we reveal enhanced frontal theta oscillations in patients with PD suffering from MH and link these oscillatory changes with lower cognitive frontal–subcortical functions. Neuropsychological follow-up examinations five years later revealed a stronger decline in frontal–subcortical functions in patients with MH, anticipated by stronger frontal theta alterations measured during the first assessment, defining an MH- and theta-oscillation-based early marker of a cognitive decline in PD.
