細菌とウィルスの軍拡競争は、急速かつ複雑な進化への貴重な窓を提供する(Bacteria-Virus Arms Race Provides Rare Window into Rapid and Complex Evolution)


2023-11-09 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

細菌とウィルスの軍拡競争は、急速かつ複雑な進化への貴重な窓を提供する(Bacteria-Virus Arms Race Provides Rare Window into Rapid and Complex Evolution)In laboratory flasks containing just two teaspoons of media, scientists document how rapid adaptation between bacteria and viruses produce complex ecological networks. Credit: Josh Borin, UC San Diego



細菌とファージの急速な共進化がマルチスケールネットワークの出現を促す Rapid bacteria-phage coevolution drives the emergence of multiscale networks

Joshua M. Borin,Justin J. Lee,Adriana Lucia-Sanz,Krista R. Gerbino,Joshua S. Weitz,and Justin R. Meyer
Science  Published:9 Nov 2023

Editor’s summary

Real communities are characterized by complex interaction networks among species. The interaction is described as “nested” if there are specialist species interacting with subsets of species and “modular” if species interact within a group but not between different groups. A mixed pattern is known as a “multiscale” network. Borin et al. examined if and how a multiscale interaction network can develop through rapid evolution in a simple community with one type of bacteria and one type of phage. The authors were able to recapitulate the range of host interactions using receptor knock-out experiments. This means that phage-host interactions in a laboratory setting are sufficient to form complex ecological patterns and could be a valuable model system for informing phage therapy. —Caroline Ash


Interactions between species catalyze the evolution of multiscale ecological networks, including both nested and modular elements that regulate the function of diverse communities. One common assumption is that such complex pattern formation requires spatial isolation or long evolutionary timescales. We show that multiscale network structure can evolve rapidly under simple ecological conditions without spatial structure. In just 21 days of laboratory coevolution, Escherichia coli and bacteriophage Φ21 coevolve and diversify to form elaborate cross-infection networks. By measuring ~10,000 phage-bacteria infections and testing the genetic basis of interactions, we identify the mechanisms that create each component of the multiscale pattern. Our results demonstrate how multiscale networks evolve in parasite-host systems, illustrating Darwin’s idea that simple adaptive processes can generate entangled banks of ecological interactions.
