コスタリカ沖のメタン層で新たな深海ミミズを発見(New Deep-Sea Worm Discovered at Methane Seep off Costa Rica)


2024-03-07 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

UC San DiegoのScripps海洋学研究所の海洋生物学者Greg Rouseと他の研究者が、コスタリカ太平洋沖約50キロのメタン噴出孔付近で新種の深海ミミズを発見しました。新種の名前はPectinereis strickrottiで、その泳ぎ方は蛇に似ていると述べられています。この研究は、National Science Foundationの支援を受けて行われ、以前からの研究から48種の新種を発見しています。メタン噴出孔は温度が高いわけではないが、化学エネルギーを利用して生態系を支えており、Rouseによると、この新種を含む多くの生物がその中で重要な役割を果たしています。


エラを持つ新しい深海の裸形動物(Annelida: Nereididae)A remarkable new deep-sea nereidid (Annelida: Nereididae) with gills

Tulio F. Villalobos-Guerrero,Sonja Huč,Ekin Tilic,Avery S. Hiley,Greg W. Rouse
PLOS ONE  Published: March 6, 2024


Nereidid polychaetes are well known from shallow marine habitats, but their diversity in the deep sea is poorly known. Here we describe an unusual new nereidid species found at methane seeps off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Specimens of Pectinereis strickrotti gen. nov., sp. nov. had been observed dating back to 2009 swimming just above the seafloor at ~1,000 m depth but were not successfully captured until 2018. Male epitokes were collected as well as a fragment of an infaunal female found in a pushcore sample. The specimens were all confirmed as the same species based on mitochondrial COI. Phylogenetic analyses, including one based on available whole mitochondrial genomes for nereidids, revealed no close relative, allowing for the placement of the new species in its own genus within the subfamily Nereidinae. This was supported by the unusual non-reproductive and epitokous morphology, including parapodial cirrostyles as pectinate gills, hooked aciculae, elfin-shoe-shaped ventral cirrophores, and elongate, fusiform dorsal ligules emerging sub-medially to enlarged cirrophores. Additionally, the gill-bearing subfamily Dendronereidinae, generally regarded as a junior synonym of Gymnonereidinae, is reviewed and it is here reinstated and as a monogeneric taxon.

