過度のアルコール摂取後の不整脈心臓(Arrhythmic hearts after excessive alcohol consumption)


2024-10-08 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

LMU大学病院の研究により、大量のアルコール摂取が健康な若者でも心臓の不整脈を引き起こすことが明らかになりました。MunichBREW II研究では、パーティ参加者にモバイル心電図(ECG)を装着し、アルコール摂取後の心拍数と不整脈の変化を48時間にわたって記録。アルコール摂取時に心拍数が上昇し、回復期には5%以上の参加者で臨床的に重要な不整脈が検出されました。この結果は、急性の過度な飲酒が心臓に悪影響を及ぼすことを示しています。


若年成人における急性アルコール摂取と不整脈: ミュンヘンBREW II研究 Acute Alcohol Consumption and Arrhythmias in Young Adults: The MunichBREW II Study

Stefan Brunner, M.D, Christina Krewitz, M.D, Raphaela Winter, M.D, Aenne S von Falkenhausen, M.D, Anna Kern, M.D., M.Sc, Dorothee Brunner, R.N, Moritz F Sinner, M.D., M.P.H
European Heart Journal  Published:04 October 2024

過度のアルコール摂取後の不整脈心臓(Arrhythmic hearts after excessive alcohol consumption)
Graphical Abstract


and aims: Acute excessive alcohol intake may cause the holiday heart syndrome, characterized by cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation. Since underlying data are scarce, the study aimed to prospectively investigate the temporal course of occurring cardiac arrhythmias following binge drinking in young adults.

A total of 202 volunteers planning acute alcohol consumption with expected peak breath alcohol concentrations (BAC) of ≥1.2 g/kg were enrolled. The study comprised 48-hour electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring covering baseline (hour 0), ‘drinking period’ (hours 1-5), ‘recovery period’ (hours 6-19), and two control periods corresponding to 24 hours after the ‘drinking’ and ‘recovery periods’, respectively. Acute alcohol intake was monitored by BAC measurements during the ‘drinking period’. ECGs were analyzed for mean heart rate, atrial tachycardia, premature atrial complexes (PAC), premature ventricular complexes (PVC), and heart rate variability (HRV) measures.

Data revealed an increase in heart rate and an excess of atrial tachycardias with increasing alcohol intake. HRV analysis indicated an autonomic modulation with sympathetic activation during alcohol consumption and the subsequent ‘recovery period’, followed by parasympathetic predominance thereafter. PACs occurred significantly more frequently in the ‘control periods’, whereas PVCs were more frequent in the ‘drinking period’. Ten participants experienced notable arrhythmic episodes, including atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardias, primarily during the ‘recovery period’.

The study demonstrates the impact of binge drinking on heart rate alterations and increased atrial tachycardias during ‘drinking period’, and the occurrence of clinically relevant arrythmias during the ‘recovery period’, emphasizing the holiday heart syndrome as a health concern.
