シャッフル・ザ・デック(Shuffling the Deck)~形質が生命の木の枝の間を飛び越えるとどうなるか (Biologists investigate what happens when traits jump between branches of the tree of life)


生物学者は、形質が生命の木の枝の間を飛び越えるとどうなるかを研究しています。 Biologists investigate what happens when traits jump between branches of the tree of life

2022-05-03 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)

シャッフル・ザ・デック(Shuffling the Deck)~形質が生命の木の枝の間を飛び越えるとどうなるか (Biologists investigate what happens when traits jump between branches of the tree of life)
The single-celled Paramecium bursaria hosts a symbiotic green algae that enables it to photosynthesize. This opens up new lifestyles for the otherwise heterotrophic species.



後天的代謝によるニッチ拡大がプランクトン群集の競争優位を促進する Niche expansion via acquired metabolism facilitates competitive dominance in planktonic communities

Veronica Hsu,Ferdinand Pfab,Holly V. Moeller
Ecology  published: 29 March 2022


Acquired phototrophs, organisms that obtain their photosynthetic abilities by hosting endosymbionts or stealing plastids from their prey, are omnipresent in aquatic ecosystems. This acquisition of photosynthetic metabolism allows for niche expansion, and can therefore influence competition outcomes by alleviating competition for shared resources. Here, we test how acquired metabolism alters competitive outcomes by manipulating light availability to control the energetic contribution of photosynthesis to acquired phototrophs. Using freshwater protists that compete for bacterial prey, we demonstrate light-dependent competition outcomes of acquired phototrophs (Paramecium bursaria) and strict heterotrophs (Colpidium sp.) in laboratory model experiments. We then synthesize these findings using a series of mathematical models, and show that explicitly accounting for resource competition improves model fits. Both empirical and mathematical models predict that the acquired phototroph should increase in competitive dominance with increasing light availability. Our results highlight the importance of acquired metabolism to community dynamics, highlighting the need for more empirical and theoretical studies of this mechanism for niche expansion.
