ダウン症に関わる遺伝子が、マウスの神経細胞の活動にブレーキをかけることが新たに明らかになった(A gene involved in Down syndrome puts the brakes on neurons’ activity in mice, new study shows)


2023-04-20 ミシガン大学



DSCAM遺伝子の三重化により、ダウン症マウスでは大脳新皮質のGABA作動性シナプスが過剰になることが判明 DSCAM gene triplication causes excessive GABAergic synapses in the neocortex in Down syndrome mouse models

Hao Liu ,René N. Caballero-Florán ,Ty Hergenreder ,Tao Yang,Jacob M. Hull,Geng Pan,Ruonan Li,Macy W. Veling,Lori L. Isom,Kenneth Y. Kwan,Z. Josh Huang,Peter G. Fuerst,Paul M. Jenkins ,Bing Ye
PLOS BIOROGY  Published: April 20, 2023

ダウン症に関わる遺伝子が、マウスの神経細胞の活動にブレーキをかけることが新たに明らかになった(A gene involved in Down syndrome puts the brakes on neurons’ activity in mice, new study shows)


Down syndrome (DS) is caused by the trisomy of human chromosome 21 (HSA21). A major challenge in DS research is to identify the HSA21 genes that cause specific symptoms. Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) is encoded by a HSA21 gene. Previous studies have shown that the protein level of the Drosophila homolog of DSCAM determines the size of presynaptic terminals. However, whether the triplication of DSCAM contributes to presynaptic development in DS remains unknown. Here, we show that DSCAM levels regulate GABAergic synapses formed on neocortical pyramidal neurons (PyNs). In the Ts65Dn mouse model for DS, where DSCAM is overexpressed due to DSCAM triplication, GABAergic innervation of PyNs by basket and chandelier interneurons is increased. Genetic normalization of DSCAM expression rescues the excessive GABAergic innervations and the increased inhibition of PyNs. Conversely, loss of DSCAM impairs GABAergic synapse development and function. These findings demonstrate excessive GABAergic innervation and synaptic transmission in the neocortex of DS mouse models and identify DSCAM overexpression as the cause. They also implicate dysregulated DSCAM levels as a potential pathogenic driver in related neurological disorders.
