FGMがアフリカ諸国の主要な死因であることが判明(FGM identified as a leading cause of death in African countries)


女性器切除は、毎年何千人もの不必要な死を引き起こしている。 Female Genital Mutilation is causing thousands of unnecessary deaths every year – researchers are calling for extra effort to stop the practice.

2023-08-17 バーミンガム大学

◆さらに、FGMは28の主要実施国のうち5つで合法的な実践とされています。研究者は、Mali、Malawi、Chad、Sierra Leone、LiberiaでのFGM非合法化を求め、法的変更が文化変化につながる可能性があると主張し、FGMの撲滅に向けた努力の強化も訴えています。全世界で2億人以上の女性と女の子がFGMを受けており、これは不衛生な環境で行われ、強い痛み、出血、感染症を引き起こします。さらに、産科合併症、性的機能の低下、身体的健康問題、精神的健康問題につながるとされています。


女性性器切除による過剰死亡率の推定 Estimating excess mortality due to female genital mutilation

Arpita Ghosh,Heather Flowe & James Rockey
Scientific Reports  Published16 August 2023

FGMがアフリカ諸国の主要な死因であることが判明(FGM identified as a leading cause of death in African countries)


Globally, over 200 million women and girls have been subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). This practice, illegal in most countries, often happens in unsanitary conditions and without clinical supervision with consequent bleeding and infection. However, little is known about its contribution to the global epidemiology of child mortality. We matched data on the proportion of girls of a given age group subject to FGM to age-gender-year specific mortality rates during 1990–2020 in 15 countries where FGM is practised. We used fixed-effects regressions to separate the effect of FGM on mortality-rates from variation in mortality in that country in that year. Using our estimated effect, we calculated total annual excess mortality due to FGM. Our estimates imply that a 50% increase in the number of girls subject to FGM increases their 5-year mortality rate by 0.075 percentage point (95% CI 0⋅065–0⋅0850⋅085). This increased mortality rate translates into an estimated 44,320 excess deaths per year across countries where FGM is practised. These estimates imply that FGM is a leading cause of the death of girls and young women in those countries where it is practised accounting for more deaths than any cause other than Enteric Infections, Respiratory Infections, or Malaria.
