睡眠不足の一夜が数日間うつ病を急速に回復させる(One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days)


2023-11-02 ノースウェスタン大学



睡眠喪失後の情動状態遷移を媒介するドーパミン経路 Dopamine pathways mediating affective state transitions after sleep loss

Mingzheng Wu, Xin Zhang, Sihan Feng, Sara N. Freda, Pushpa Kumari, Vasin Dumrongprechachan, Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy
Neuron  Published: November 2, 2023


The pathophysiology of affective disorders—particularly circuit-level mechanisms underlying bidirectional, periodic affective state transitions—remains poorly understood. In patients, disruptions of sleep and circadian rhythm can trigger transitions to manic episodes, whereas depressive states are reversed. Here, we introduce a hybrid automated sleep deprivation platform to induce transitions of affective states in mice. Acute sleep loss causes mixed behavioral states, featuring hyperactivity, elevated social and sexual behaviors, and diminished depressive-like behaviors, where transitions depend on dopamine (DA). Using DA sensor photometry and projection-targeted chemogenetics, we reveal that elevated DA release in specific brain regions mediates distinct behavioral changes in affective state transitions. Acute sleep loss induces DA-dependent enhancement in dendritic spine density and uncaging-evoked dendritic spinogenesis in the medial prefrontal cortex, whereas optically mediated disassembly of enhanced plasticity reverses the antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation on learned helplessness. These findings demonstrate that brain-wide dopaminergic pathways control sleep-loss-induced polymodal affective state transitions.

Graphical abstract

睡眠不足の一夜が数日間うつ病を急速に回復させる(One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days)
