新種のマンザニータを発見、すでに絶滅の危機 (New manzanita species discovered, already at risk)


2025-02-24 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の研究者たちは、カリフォルニア州中央海岸のニポモ・メサ地域で、新種のマンザニータ(Arctostaphylos nipumu)を発見しました。この植物は、他のカリフォルニア産マンザニータとは異なり、灰色がかった樹皮を持ち、遺伝的にも独自性が確認されています。しかし、野生での個体数は300~700と推定され、都市開発、特にDana Reserve Projectによって生息地の半分が影響を受ける可能性があり、絶滅の危機に瀕しています。研究者たちは、この新種の保護の重要性を訴え、地域当局と協力して保全策を検討しています。
マンザニータ(Manzanita) は、ツツジ科(Ericaceae)アルクトスタフィロス属(Arctostaphylos)に属する常緑低木または小高木の総称です。主に北アメリカ西部(特にカリフォルニア州)に分布し、乾燥した丘陵地や森林の縁などに生育します。


ハイブリッド混合個体群の調査からツツジ科の新種が発見される Investigating a hybrid mixed population leads to recognizing a new species of Arctostaphylos (Ericaceae)

Tito Abbo, Morgan A. Stickrod, Alexander Krohn, V. Thomas Parker, Michael C. Vasey, William Waycott, Amy Litt
PhytoKeys  Published:16 Jan 2025

新種のマンザニータを発見、すでに絶滅の危機 (New manzanita species discovered, already at risk)


While investigating the potential for Arctostaphylos species to hybridize in the mixed populations of Point Sal and Burton Mesa in Santa Barbara County, California, we discovered that Arctostaphylos from the Nipomo Mesa (San Luis Obispo County), formerly considered a northern population of A. rudis, are genetically and morphologically distinct. We name this new taxon A. nipumu after the ytt (Northern Chumash language) word for the Nipomo Mesa region. For morphological and molecular analyses, we sampled 54 plants, focusing on A. purissima, A. rudis, and A. crustacea from multiple species and comparative single species populations. Parametric and nonparametric clustering analyses (STRUCTURE and PCA) of ddRADseq data show that Arctostaphylos from the Nipomo Mesa segregate from all other samples in the dataset. In mixed populations A. purissima and A. crustacea samples cluster with samples from other unmixed populations of the same species but A. rudis samples form two distinct clusters. One is composed of the mixed populations in Santa Barbara County, and the other consists of the Nipomo Mesa population. Additionally, the Santa Barbara County A. rudis samples are admixed in STRUCTURE analysis unlike the samples from the Nipomo Mesa. A principal component analysis of eight morphological characters shows that A. rudis individuals from Santa Barbara County tend to be phenotypically variable, occurring in a wide morphological cluster that overlaps with the tight clusters formed by A. purissima, A. crustacea, and Arctostaphylos from the Nipomo Mesa. Based on this evidence we describe the Nipomo Mesapopulation as a new species of Arctostaphylos. Given its limited and fragmented distribution we believe that A. nipumu is of critical conservation concern.
