生物学的対称性における表面張力の役割(The role of surface tension in biological symmetry)


2022-05-06 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



ゼブラフィッシュ胚の左右対称性は体節の表面張力を必要とする Left–right symmetry of zebrafish embryos requires somite surface tension

Sundar R. Naganathan,Marko Popović & Andrew C. Oates
Nature  Published: 27 April 2022

生物学的対称性における表面張力の役割(The role of surface tension in biological symmetry)


The body axis of vertebrate embryos is periodically segmented into bilaterally symmetric pairs of somites1,2. The anteroposterior length of somites, their position and left–right symmetry are thought to be molecularly determined before somite morphogenesis3,4. Here we show that, in zebrafish embryos, initial somite anteroposterior lengths and positions are imprecise and, consequently, many somite pairs form left–right asymmetrically. Notably, these imprecisions are not left unchecked and we find that anteroposterior lengths adjust within an hour after somite formation, thereby increasing morphological symmetry. We find that anteroposterior length adjustments result entirely from changes in somite shape without change in somite volume, with changes in anteroposterior length being compensated by corresponding changes in mediolateral length. The anteroposterior adjustment mechanism is facilitated by somite surface tension, which we show by comparing in vivo experiments and in vitro single-somite explant cultures using a mechanical model. Length adjustment is inhibited by perturbation of molecules involved in surface tension, such as integrin and fibronectin. By contrast, the adjustment mechanism is unaffected by perturbations to the segmentation clock, therefore revealing a distinct process that influences morphological segment lengths. We propose that tissue surface tension provides a general mechanism to adjust shapes and ensure precision and symmetry of tissues in developing embryos.
