スーパーバグとの闘いにおける機械学習と医療の融合(Machine learning meets medicine in the fight against superbugs)


MRSA菌が体内でどのように広がるかをモデル化することで、治療の効果を高めることができます。 Modeling how MRSA bacteria spread on the body can enhance treatments.

2022-08-17 フィンランド・アールト大学

MRSA は抗生物質耐性のブドウ球菌感染症であり、病院で治療を受けている人や免疫系が弱っている人にとって致命的となる可能性がある。今回の研究では、患者のデータとMRSAが体内のさまざまな場所を移動する推定値を組み合わせることで、さまざまな治療法がどの程度有効であるかを予測することができる。


メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌の脱コロニー化のモデル化:身体部位間の相互作用と部位特異的クリアランスの影響 Modelling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus decolonization: interactions between body sites and the impact of site-specific clearance

Onur Poyraz,Mohamad R. A. Sater,Loren G. Miller,James A. McKinnell,Susan S. Huang,Yonatan H. Grad and Pekka Marttinen
Journal of the Royal Society Interface  Published:15 June 2022

スーパーバグとの闘いにおける機械学習と医療の融合(Machine learning meets medicine in the fight against superbugs)


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can colonize multiple body sites, and carriage is a risk factor for infection. Successful decolonization protocols reduce disease incidence; however, multiple protocols exist, comprising diverse therapies targeting multiple body sites, and the optimal protocol is unclear. Standard methods cannot infer the impact of site-specific components on successful decolonization. Here, we formulate a Bayesian coupled hidden Markov model, which estimates interactions between body sites, quantifies the contribution of each therapy to successful decolonization, and enables predictions of the efficacy of therapy combinations. We applied the model to longitudinal data from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of an MRSA decolonization protocol consisting of chlorhexidine body and mouthwash and nasal mupirocin. Our findings (i) confirmed nares as a central hub for MRSA colonization and nasal mupirocin as the most crucial therapy and (ii) demonstrated all components contributed significantly to the efficacy of the protocol and the protocol reduced self-inoculation. Finally, we assessed the impact of hypothetical therapy improvements in silico and found that enhancing MRSA clearance at the skin would yield the largest gains. This study demonstrates the use of advanced modelling to go beyond what is typically achieved by RCTs, enabling evidence-based decision-making to streamline clinical protocols.
