若い遺伝子は古い遺伝子よりも早く適応することが研究で明らかになった(Study shows that young genes adapt faster than old ones)


2022-09-22 サセックス大学



ショウジョウバエとシロイヌナズナにおける遺伝子進化の適応的歩行モデルに対する強い証拠 Strong evidence for the adaptive walk model of gene evolution in Drosophila and Arabidopsis

Ana Filipa Moutinho ,Adam Eyre-Walker,Julien Y. Dutheil
PLOS Biology  Published: September 13, 2022


Understanding the dynamics of species adaptation to their environments has long been a central focus of the study of evolution. Theories of adaptation propose that populations evolve by “walking” in a fitness landscape. This “adaptive walk” is characterised by a pattern of diminishing returns, where populations further away from their fitness optimum take larger steps than those closer to their optimal conditions. Hence, we expect young genes to evolve faster and experience mutations with stronger fitness effects than older genes because they are further away from their fitness optimum. Testing this hypothesis, however, constitutes an arduous task. Young genes are small, encode proteins with a higher degree of intrinsic disorder, are expressed at lower levels, and are involved in species-specific adaptations. Since all these factors lead to increased protein evolutionary rates, they could be masking the effect of gene age. While controlling for these factors, we used population genomic data sets of Arabidopsis and Drosophila and estimated the rate of adaptive substitutions across genes from different phylostrata. We found that a gene’s evolutionary age significantly impacts the molecular rate of adaptation. Moreover, we observed that substitutions in young genes tend to have larger physicochemical effects. Our study, therefore, provides strong evidence that molecular evolution follows an adaptive walk model across a large evolutionary timescale.

