何千もの自生植物が写真に撮られておらず、市民科学者がそのギャップを埋めるのに役立つ(Thousands of native plants are unphotographed, and citizen scientists can help fill the gaps)


オーストラリアの植物約4000種が野生で撮影されたことがなく、絶滅の危機に瀕していることが新たな研究で明らかになりました。 New research finds almost 4000 Australian plant species have not been photographed before in the wild, which may lead to their extinction.

2023-03-14 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)



生物多様性の必須資源としての写真:維管束植物の写真記録におけるギャップの要因 Photographs as an essential biodiversity resource: drivers of gaps in the vascular plant photographic record

Thomas Mesaglio, Hervé Sauquet, David Coleman, Elizabeth Wenk, William K. Cornwell
New Phytologist  Published: 13 March 2023

Details are in the caption following the image


  • The photographic record is increasingly becoming an important biodiversity resource for primary research and conservation monitoring. However, globally, there are important gaps in this record even in relatively well-researched floras.
  • To quantify the gaps in the Australian native vascular plant photographic record, we systematically surveyed 33 sources of well-curated species photographs, assembling a list of species with accessible and verifiable photographs, as well as the species for which this search failed.
  • Of 21 077 Australian native species, 3715 lack a verifiable photograph across our 33 surveyed resources. There are three major geographic hotspots of unphotographed species in Australia, all far from current population centres. Many unphotographed species are small in stature or uncharismatic, and many are also recently described.
  • The large number of recently described species without accessible photographs was surprising. There are longstanding efforts in Australia to organise the plant photographic record, but in the absence of a global consensus to treat photographs as an essential biodiversity resource, this has not become common practice. Many recently described species are small-range endemics and some have special conservation status. Completing the botanical photographic record across the globe will facilitate a virtuous feedback loop of more efficient identification, monitoring and conservation.
