コウモリのねぐらを探すのは、もはや「干し草の中の針」を探すのと同じではない(Finding bat roosts no longer like searching for “a needle in a haystack”)


2024-04-24 カーディフ大学

カーディフ大学とサセックス大学の研究チームは、マイクロフォンデータとコウモリの移動モデルを組み合わせて、最適な探索地域を特定し、ねぐらの位置を予測する技術を開発しました。この方法により、広大な探索エリアを大幅に縮小し、労働時間を90%以上削減できるため、生態学者や保全活動家がコウモリの保護により多くの時間を割けるようになります。この研究は「Royal Society Open Science」で発表され、保護種であるコウモリのねぐらを効率よく特定できるようになります。


コウモリのねぐらの位置を推定するシンプルで迅速な方法 A simple and fast method for estimating bat roost locations

Lucy Henley,Domhnall Finch,Fiona Mathews,Owen JonesandThomas E. Woolley
Royal Society Open Science  Published:24 April 2024

Figure 1.


Bats play a pivotal role in pest control, pollination and seed dispersal. Despite their ecological significance, locating bat roosts remains a challenging task for ecologists. Traditional field surveys are time-consuming, expensive and may disturb sensitive bat populations. In this article, we combine data from static audio detectors with a bat movement model to facilitate the detection of bat roosts. Crucially, our technique not only provides a point prediction for the most likely location of a bat roost, but because of the algorithm’s speed, it can be applied over an entire landscape, resulting in a likelihood map, which provides optimal searching regions. To illustrate the success of the algorithm and highlight limitations, we apply our technique to greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) acoustic data acquired from six surveys from four different UK locations and over six different times in the year. Furthermore, we investigate what happens to the accuracy of our predictions in the case that the roost is not contained within the area spanned by the detectors. This innovative approach to searching rural environments holds the potential to greatly reduce the labour required for roost finding, and, hence, enhance the conservation efforts of bat populations and their habitats.

