老化する細胞:肝臓の細胞は臓器内の場所によって老化が異なる(Ageing cells:Liver cells age differently depending on where they are in the organ)


2023-11-09 マックス・プランク研究所



老化マウス肝臓のメタボローム、トランスクリプトーム、エピゲノムの空間および単一細胞プロファイリング Spatial and single-cell profiling of the metabolome, transcriptome and epigenome of the aging mouse liver

Chrysa Nikopoulou,Niklas Kleinenkuhnen,Swati Parekh,Tonantzi Sandoval,Christoph Ziegenhain,Farina Schneider,Patrick Giavalisco,Kat-Folz Donahue,Anna Juliane Vesting,Marcel Kirchner,Mihaela Bozukova,Christian Vossen,Janine Altmüller,Thomas Wunderlich,Rickard Sandberg,Vangelis Kondylis,Achim Tresch & Peter Tessarz
Nature Aging  Published:09 November 2023

老化する細胞:肝臓の細胞は臓器内の場所によって老化が異なる(Ageing cells:Liver cells age differently depending on where they are in the organ)


Tissues within an organism and even cell types within a tissue can age with different velocities. However, it is unclear whether cells of one type experience different aging trajectories within a tissue depending on their spatial location. Here, we used spatial transcriptomics in combination with single-cell ATAC-seq and RNA-seq, lipidomics and functional assays to address how cells in the male murine liver are affected by age-related changes in the microenvironment. Integration of the datasets revealed zonation-specific and age-related changes in metabolic states, the epigenome and transcriptome. The epigenome changed in a zonation-dependent manner and functionally, periportal hepatocytes were characterized by decreased mitochondrial fitness, whereas pericentral hepatocytes accumulated large lipid droplets. Together, we provide evidence that changing microenvironments within a tissue exert strong influences on their resident cells that can shape epigenetic, metabolic and phenotypic outputs.
