自らの免疫攻撃から身体を守るタンパク質(The proteins that shield the body against its own immune attacks)


2024-03-25 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

EPFLのBruno Lemaitre氏のグループがショウジョウバエの研究で、免疫系の新しい側面を明らかにしました。Turandotというタンパク質ファミリーが、免疫応答時に細胞膜に結合し、抗菌ペプチド(AMP)から守ることが示されました。これにより、細胞の損傷を防ぎ、組織の完全性を維持し、生存を確保します。研究は、特にストレス条件下での細胞表面のリン脂質であるホスファチジルセリンにTurandotが結合し、AMPの攻撃を防ぐメカニズムを解明しました。これは、免疫応答中の自己攻撃を最小限に抑える進化戦略を示唆し、将来的な治療法の可能性を開く重要な発見です


体液性ストレス応答がショウジョウバエの組織を抗菌ペプチドから守る A humoral stress response protects Drosophila tissues from antimicrobial peptides

Samuel Rommelaere,Alexia Carboni,Juan F. Bada Juarez,…,Matteo Dal Peraro,Chan Cao,Bruno Lemaitre
Current Biology  Published:March 13, 2024


•Trachea expose phosphatidylserine, making them sensitive to AMPs

•Turandots are secreted proteins that protect the respiratory epithelium

•Turandots shield phosphatidylserine, preventing pore formation by AMPs

•Turandots favor Drosophila resilience to stress by preventing immunopathology


7An efficient immune system must provide protection against a broad range of pathogens without causing excessive collateral tissue damage. While immune effectors have been well characterized, we know less about the resilience mechanisms protecting the host from its own immune response. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small, cationic peptides that contribute to innate defenses by targeting negatively charged membranes of microbes. While protective against pathogens, AMPs can be cytotoxic to host cells. Here, we reveal that a family of stress-induced proteins, the Turandots, protect the Drosophila respiratory system from AMPs, increasing resilience to stress. Flies lacking Turandot genes are susceptible to environmental stresses due to AMP-induced tracheal apoptosis. Turandot proteins bind to host cell membranes and mask negatively charged phospholipids, protecting them from cationic pore-forming AMPs. Collectively, these data demonstrate that Turandot stress proteins mitigate AMP cytotoxicity to host tissues and therefore improve their efficacy.

Graphical abstract

自らの免疫攻撃から身体を守るタンパク質(The proteins that shield the body against its own immune attacks)

