シークエンスデータ解析の改良で “見えない” 細胞の種類と遺伝子発現が明らかになる(“Invisible” Cell Types and Gene Expression Revealed with Sequencing Data Analysis Improvement)


2023-09-11 カリフォルニア工科大学(Caltech)



RNAシーケンスの欠損データを最適化されたトランスクリプトームリファレンスで回復させる Recovery of missing single-cell RNA-sequencing data with optimized transcriptomic references

Allan-Hermann ,Helen Poldsam,Sisi Chen,Matt Thomson & Yuki Oka
Nature Methods  Published:11 September 2023

シークエンスデータ解析の改良で “見えない” 細胞の種類と遺伝子発現が明らかになる(“Invisible” Cell Types and Gene Expression Revealed with Sequencing Data Analysis Improvement)


Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) is an indispensable tool for characterizing cellular diversity and generating hypotheses throughout biology. Droplet-based scRNA-seq datasets often lack expression data for genes that can be detected with other methods. Here we show that the observed sensitivity deficits stem from three sources: (1) poor annotation of 3′ gene ends; (2) issues with intronic read incorporation; and (3) gene overlap-derived read loss. We show that missing gene expression data can be recovered by optimizing the reference transcriptome for scRNA-seq through recovering false intergenic reads, implementing a hybrid pre-mRNA mapping strategy and resolving gene overlaps. We demonstrate, with a diverse collection of mouse and human tissue data, that reference optimization can substantially improve cellular profiling resolution and reveal missing cell types and marker genes. Our findings argue that transcriptomic references need to be optimized for scRNA-seq analysis and warrant a reanalysis of previously published datasets and cell atlases.
