恐竜時代の鳥の脳、鳥類の知能のルーツを解明(Bird brain from the age of dinosaurs reveals roots of avian intelligence)


2024-11-13 ケンブリッジ大学

ケンブリッジ大学とロサンゼルス郡自然史博物館の研究チームは、約8,000万年前の鳥類「Navaornis hestiae」の完全な頭蓋骨化石を発見し、デジタル再構築を行いました。この化石は、最古の鳥類である始祖鳥と現生鳥類の間の約7,000万年の進化的ギャップを埋めるもので、鳥類の脳の進化と知能の発達に関する新たな洞察を提供します。Navaornisの大脳は始祖鳥よりも大きく、より高度な認知能力を持っていた可能性がありますが、小脳は現生鳥類ほど発達しておらず、複雑な飛行制御能力はまだ進化していなかったと考えられます。この発見は、鳥類の脳構造と知能の進化に関する理解を深める重要な手がかりとなります。


ブラジルで発見された白亜紀の鳥類から、鳥類の頭蓋骨と脳の進化がわかる Cretaceous bird from Brazil informs the evolution of the avian skull and brain

Luis M. Chiappe,Guillermo Navalón,Agustín G. Martinelli,Ismar de Souza Carvalho,Rodrigo Miloni Santucci,Yun-Hsin Wu & Daniel J. Field
Nature  Published:30 October 2024

恐竜時代の鳥の脳、鳥類の知能のルーツを解明(Bird brain from the age of dinosaurs reveals roots of avian intelligence)


A dearth of Mesozoic-aged, three-dimensional fossils hinders understanding of the origin of the distinctive skull and brain of modern (crown) birds1. Here we report Navaornis hestiae gen. et sp. nov., an exquisitely preserved fossil species from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil. The skull of Navaornis is toothless and large-eyed, with a vaulted cranium closely resembling the condition in crown birds; however, phylogenetic analyses recover Navaornis in Enantiornithes, a highly diverse clade of Mesozoic stem birds. Despite an overall geometry quantitatively indistinguishable from crown birds, the skull of Navaornis retains numerous plesiomorphies including a maxilla-dominated rostrum, an akinetic palate, a diapsid temporal configuration, a small cerebellum and a weakly expanded telencephalon. These archaic neurocranial traits are combined with a crown bird-like degree of brain flexion and a bony labyrinth comparable in shape to those of many crown birds but substantially larger. Altogether, the emergent cranial geometry of Navaornis shows an unprecedented degree of similarity between crown birds and enantiornithines, groups last sharing a common ancestor more than 130 million years ago2. Navaornis provides long-sought insight into the detailed cranial and endocranial morphology of stem birds phylogenetically crownward of Archaeopteryx, clarifying the pattern and timing by which the distinctive neuroanatomy of living birds was assembled.
