深海のチョウチンアンコウの進化が新研究で明らかに(Evolution of Deep-Sea Anglerfish Illuminated in New Study)


2024-12-17 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 (UCSD)

Five examples of body elongation in deep-sea anglerfishes.

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校のスクリップス海洋研究所を中心とする国際研究チームは、深海に生息するアンコウ(Lophiiformes)の進化に関する新たな知見を発表しました。彼らは、遺伝子解析と博物館標本の3Dイメージングを組み合わせることで、アンコウが底生(海底)から遠洋性(深海中層)へと生息域を拡大し、急速な多様化を遂げたことを明らかにしました。特に、大きな顎や小さな目、多様な体形などの適応が、極限環境である深海での生存を可能にしたとされています。この研究は、スクリップス海洋研究所の海洋脊椎動物コレクションの標本を活用して行われ、2024年11月27日に『Nature Ecology & Evolution』誌に掲載されました。


深海のアンコウ類では進化的制約が減少し、放射化が進行している Reduced evolutionary constraint accompanies ongoing radiation in deep-sea anglerfishes

Elizabeth Christina Miller,Rose Faucher,Pamela B. Hart,Melissa Rincón-Sandoval,Aintzane Santaquiteria,William T. White,Carole C. Baldwin,Masaki Miya,Ricardo Betancur-R,Luke Tornabene,Kory Evans & Dahiana Arcila
Nature Ecology & Evolution  Published:27 November 2024

extended data figure 1


Colonization of a novel habitat is often followed by phenotypic diversification in the wake of ecological opportunity. However, some habitats should be inherently more constraining than others if the challenges of that environment offer few evolutionary solutions. We examined this push-and-pull on macroevolutionary diversification following habitat transitions in the anglerfishes (Lophiiformes). We constructed a phylogeny with extensive sampling (1,092 loci and ~38% of species), combined with three-dimensional phenotypic data from museum specimens. We used these datasets to examine the tempo and mode of phenotypic diversification. The deep-sea pelagic anglerfishes originated from a benthic ancestor and shortly after experienced rapid lineage diversification rates. This transition incurred shifts towards larger jaws, smaller eyes and a more laterally compressed body plan. Despite these directional trends, this lineage still evolved high phenotypic disparity in body, skull and jaw shapes. In particular, bathypelagic anglerfishes show high variability in body elongation, while benthic anglerfishes are constrained around optimal shapes. Within this radiation, phenotypic evolution was concentrated among recently diverged lineages, notably those that deviated from the archetypical globose body plan. Taken together, these results demonstrate that spectacular evolutionary radiations can unfold even within environments with few ecological resources and demanding physiological challenges.
