脂質形成のミッシングステップを発見し、過去の気候を検出できる可能性(Revealed missing step in lipid formation could enable detection of past climate)


極限環境に生息する単細胞生物に独特の安定性をもたらす脂質分子。 he lipid molecule provides unique stability to single-celled organisms that live in extreme environments

2022-08-22 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

脂質形成のミッシングステップを発見し、過去の気候を検出できる可能性(Revealed missing step in lipid formation could enable detection of past climate)A team from Penn State and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has determined the missing step in the formation of a molecule called GDGT, which is a promising candidate for use as an indicator of past climate. The team determined the X-ray crystal structure of an enzyme that facilitates this process called GDGT/MAS—shown here bound to additional cofactors. Credit: Booker Lab / Penn State. All Rights Reserved.



テトラエーテル型脂質合成酵素の発見、構造、機構解明 Discovery, structure, and mechanism of a tetraether lipid synthase

Cody T. Lloyd,David F. Iwig,Bo Wang,Matteo Cossu,William W. Metcalf,Amie K. Boal & Squire J. Booker
Nature  Published26 July 2022

We are providing an unedited version of this manuscript to give early access to its findings. Before final publication, the manuscript will undergo further editing. Please note there may be errors present which affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.


Archaea synthesize isoprenoid-based ether-linked membrane lipids, which enable them to withstand extreme environmental conditions, such as high temperatures, high salinity, and low or high pH values. 1-5 In some archaea, such as Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, these lipids are further modified by forming carbon-carbon bonds between the termini of two lipid tails within one glycerophospholipid to generate the macrocyclic archaeol or forming two carbon-carbon bonds between the termini of two lipid tails from two glycerophospholipids to generate the macrocycle glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT). 1,2 GDGT contains two 40-carbon lipid chains (biphytanyl chains) that span both leaflets of the membrane, providing enhanced stability to extreme conditions. How these specialized lipids are formed has puzzled scientists for decades. The reaction necessitates the coupling of two completely inert sp3-hybridized carbon centers, which, to our knowledge, has not been observed in nature. Herein, we show that the gene product of mj0619 from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, which encodes a radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme, is responsible for biphytanyl chain formation during synthesis of both the macrocyclic archaeol and GDGT membrane lipids. 6 Structures of the enzyme show the presence of four metallocofactors: three [Fe4S4] clusters and one mononuclear rubredoxin-like iron ion. In vitro mechanistic studies show that Csp3-Csp3 bond formation takes place on fully saturated archaeal lipid substrates and involves an intermediate bond between the substrate carbon and a sulfur of one of the [Fe4S4] clusters. Our results not only establish the biosynthetic route for tetraether formation but improve the use of GDGT in GDGT-based paleoclimatology indices. 7-10.
