あなたの落ち着きのなさに我慢できない人がいる意外な理由(The surprising reason some people can’t stand your fidgeting)


2024-12-04 カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)



私はあなたの落ち着きのなさに悩んでいます: ミソキネジアの個人的・社会的影響に関する質的研究 I struggle with your fidgeting: A qualitative study of the personal and social impacts of misokinesia

Sumeet M. Jaswal ,Drake Levere,Todd C. Handy
PLOS ONE  Published: December 4, 2024

あなたの落ち着きのなさに我慢できない人がいる意外な理由(The surprising reason some people can’t stand your fidgeting)


Misokinesia, the reduced tolerance to others’ repetitive bodily movements, impacts individuals’ personal, social, and professional lives. The present study aimed to elucidate the factors contributing to Misokinesia Sensitivity (MKS) by exploring the subjective experiences of affected individuals, thereby guiding future empirical research and informing clinical awareness. Using a qualitative approach, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 participants from an online support group on Facebook. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis to uncover patterns and themes in their lived experiences. The thematic analysis revealed three main themes: internal cognitive and affective impacts, external social impacts, and pragmatic factors related to MKS triggers and responses. These findings provide a foundational understanding of MKS, highlighting its significant personal and social consequences and suggesting areas for targeted interventions. The insights gained aim to enhance clinical recognition and support the development of effective management strategies for those affected by MKS.
