更年期疲労の原因である可能性が高い月経異常出血、原因として語られることはほとんどない(Abnormal menstrual bleeding, a likely culprit in menopausal fatigue, rarely discussed as cause)


2025-03-18 ミシガン大学

ミシガン大学の研究によれば、閉経期やその前段階である更年期における異常な月経出血、特に過多月経や月経期間の延長が、女性の疲労感や活力低下と関連していることが明らかになりました。この研究は、1996年から2005年にかけて2,329人の中年女性を対象に、月経日記の記録と年次調査を行い、その結果を『Menopause』誌に発表しました。研究チームは、月経出血の増加が鉄欠乏を引き起こし、それが疲労感の一因となる可能性を指摘しています。しかし、これまでの更年期研究では、異常な月経出血と疲労感との関連性は十分に検討されておらず、また、一般的な更年期症状評価尺度である「Menopause Rating Scale」にも月経出血に関する項目が含まれていません。このため、月経出血の変化と疲労感との関連性を理解し、適切な治療や対策を講じることが、女性の生活の質を向上させる上で重要であると考えられます。


子宮出血異常は更年期移行期の疲労と関連する Abnormal uterine bleeding is associated with fatigue during the menopause transition

Harlow, Siobán D. PhD; Gold, Ellen B. PhD; Hood, Michelle M. MSc; Mukwege, Alain A. MD, MSc; Randolph, John F. MD; Greendale, Gail A. MD
Menopause  Published:March 11, 2025


During the menopause transition (MT), abnormal uterine bleeding, characterized by prolonged (PMB) or heavy (HMB) menstrual bleeding, occurs often. We assessed whether PMB or HMB was associated with fatigue.

We used longitudinal daily menstrual calendar data from 2,329 participants in the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation to identify episodes of HMB and PMB. At seven annual follow-up visits, four symptoms of fatigue were queried (worn out, feeling tired, full of pep, having energy). General linear mixed models with random intercepts for each woman assessed the association between each fatigue variable and PMB or HMB recorded during the 6 months prior to each annual follow-up visit. Models were adjusted for race and ethnicity, age, body mass index, hormone therapy use, depressive and anxiety symptoms, perceived stress, sleep problems, cigarette use, and discrimination.

After adjustment, reporting three or more episodes of HMB in the prior 6 months was positively associated with feeling tired (odds ratio [OR] = 1.62, 95% CI = 1.11 to 2.38) and being worn out (OR = 1.44, 95% CI = 0.98 to 2.13), whereas three or more episodes of PMB in the prior 6-month window was negatively associated with being full of pep (OR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.49 to 0.95).

HMB and PMB during the MT were associated with increased odds of experiencing three symptoms of fatigue. Greater clinical attention to bleeding changes and associated symptoms, including fatigue and lack of energy, is warranted, as is education of women about potential health consequences of excessive menstrual bleeding during the MT.
