黒死病の起源を特定(Origins of the Black Death identified)


学際的な研究チームが古代のペストゲノムを研究 Multidisciplinary team studied ancient plague genomes

2022-06-15 マックス・プランク研究所

黒死病は、エルシニア・ペスティスという細菌によって引き起こされ、1346年から1353年の間、ヨーロッパで続いた歴史上最大のパンデミックである。この大流行が人口や社会に与えた影響は甚大であったにもかかわらず、その起源は長い間不明であった。このたび、ライプチヒのマックス・プランク進化人類学研究所、ドイツのチュービンゲン大学、イギリスのスターリング大学の研究者を含む学際的な研究チームが、古代のY. pestisゲノムを入手・研究し、その起源を中央アジアに求めることに成功しました。


14世紀ユーラシア大陸中央部における黒死病の発生源について The source of the Black Death in fourteenth-century central Eurasia

Maria A. Spyrou,Lyazzat Musralina,Guido A. Gnecchi Ruscone,Arthur Kocher,Pier-Giorgio Borbone,Valeri I. Khartanovich,Alexandra Buzhilova,Leyla Djansugurova,Kirsten I. Bos,Denise Kühnert,Wolfgang Haak,Philip Slavin & Johannes Krause
Nature  Published:15 June 2022

黒死病の起源を特定(Origins of the Black Death identified)


The origin of the medieval Black Death pandemic (AD 1346–1353) has been a topic of continuous investigation because of the pandemic’s extensive demographic impact and long-lasting consequences1,2. Until now, the most debated archaeological evidence potentially associated with the pandemic’s initiation derives from cemeteries located near Lake Issyk-Kul of modern-day Kyrgyzstan1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. These sites are thought to have housed victims of a fourteenth-century epidemic as tombstone inscriptions directly dated to 1338–1339 state ‘pestilence’ as the cause of death for the buried individuals9. Here we report ancient DNA data from seven individuals exhumed from two of these cemeteries, Kara-Djigach and Burana. Our synthesis of archaeological, historical and ancient genomic data shows a clear involvement of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis in this epidemic event. Two reconstructed ancient Y. pestis genomes represent a single strain and are identified as the most recent common ancestor of a major diversification commonly associated with the pandemic’s emergence, here dated to the first half of the fourteenth century. Comparisons with present-day diversity from Y. pestis reservoirs in the extended Tian Shan region support a local emergence of the recovered ancient strain. Through multiple lines of evidence, our data support an early fourteenth-century source of the second plague pandemic in central Eurasia.
