機械学習が医療従事者に迅速な回答をもたらす(Machine learning brings faster answers for healthcare providers)


2023-11-03 オークリッジ国立研究所(ORNL)

◆Oak Ridge National Laboratoryの研究者は、臨床実務ガイドライン(CPG)を迅速に解析し、クエリに関連する回答を提供する機械を開発しています。CPGは患者ケアの決定のための指針であり、使用するには時間がかかります。


cpgQA: 臨床診療ガイドラインの機械読解タスクのベンチマークデータセットと転移学習を用いたケーススタディ cpgQA: A Benchmark Dataset for Machine Reading Comprehension Tasks on Clinical Practice Guidelines and a Case Study Using Transfer Learning

Maria Mahbub,Edmon Begoli,Susana Martins,Alina Peluso,Suzanne Tamang,Gregory Peterson
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Xplore  Published:09 January 2023


Biomedical machine reading comprehension (bio-MRC), a crucial task in natural language processing, is a vital application of a computer-assisted clinical decision support system. It can help clinicians extract critical information effortlessly for clinical decision-making by comprehending and answering questions from biomedical text data. While recent advances in bio-MRC consider text data from resources such as clinical notes and scholarly articles, the clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are still unexplored in this regard. CPGs are a pivotal component of clinical decision-making at the point of care as they provide recommendations for patient care based on the most up-to-date information available. Although CPGs are inherently terse compared to a multitude of articles, often, clinicians find them lengthy and complicated to use. In this paper, we define a new problem domain – bio-MRC on CPGs – where the ultimate goal is to assist clinicians in efficiently interpreting the clinical practice guidelines using MRC systems. To that end, we develop a manually annotated and subject-matter expert-validated benchmark dataset for the bio-MRC task on CPGs – cpgQA. This dataset aims to evaluate intelligent systems performing MRC tasks on CPGs. Hence, we employ the state-of-the-art MRC models to present a case study illustrating an extensive evaluation of the proposed dataset. We address the problem of lack of training data in this newly defined domain by applying transfer learning. The results show that while the current state-of-the-art models perform well with 78% exact match scores on the dataset, there is still room for improvement, warranting further research on this problem domain. We release the dataset at https://github.com/mmahbub/cpgQA .

An example context and question-answer pair from the benchmark dataset for machine reading comprehension tasks on clinical practice guidelines - cpgQA. cpgQA was built manually in collaboration with subject-matter experts to foster research in machine reading comprehension systems for intelligent and efficient interpretation of the clinical practice guidelines used in healthcare by clinicians.
An example context and question-answer pair from the benchmark dataset for machine reading comprehension tasks on clinical practice guidelines – cpgQA. cpgQA was built ma…View more

